LPG Monitor as of August 2021


LPG Contract Price (CP)

LPG Contract Price (CP), commonly called the “Saudi CP” is the primary driver of LPG pricing in the Far East including the Philippines. It is the international price benchmark set at the beginning of each month by Saudi Arabia’s state - owned oil company Saudi Aramco.

Aramco's CPs, which set the price of LPG lifted from the Saudi ports Yanbu, Ras Tanura and Ju'aymah under term supply contracts, are closely watched by the market as they tend to set a base level for LPG pricing for most markets East of Suez.

The DOE refer to the LPG/Saudi CP and forex monthly average changes in determining/monitoring the price adjustments of LPG in the domestic market. Following the timing of the monthly changes in CP, domestic price of LPG also varies every first day of the month and remain constant throughout the whole month.

Like all other petroleum products, the Philippines has no influence over the LPG CP as the country’s domestic requirement is small versus the world demand.

For the month of August 2021, LPG Contract Price has increased by US$36.50/MT to US$ 656.50/MT, from US$ 620.00/MT last month.

International LPG Market Development

  • Saudi Aramco set its August  propane term  Contract Price  (CP)  at $660/mt, up $40/mt from July and its butane CP set at $655/mt, up $35/mt versus last month. LPG in the Philippines is a combination of 30% propane and 70% butane.
  • Demand for LPG by big consumers in Asia rebounded in June.  Japan's total LPG demand rebounded 0.47% month on month to 856,000 mt, after two consecutive months of declines while China also had record high imports in June due to lower domestic production and increased demand in propane dehydrogenation (PDH) plants following the maintenance season.
  • On supply, the Middle East has healthy supply. Saudi Aramco announced acceptances of August-lifting term cargo nominations without cuts or delays. This came after Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) and Qatar Petroleum (QP) had announced no cuts or delays as well, while Qatar Petroleum had also sold ample propane cargo for August loading.
  • Ample supply followed the OPEC+ alliance agreement on July 18 to increase production quotas by 400,000 b/d each month starting in August, amounting to a 2 million b/d total increase by the end of the year. The group's supply management pact also extended through 2022.
  • Reports also said that Asia remains a more attractive destination for US LPG due to the better netbacks compared with Europe.  While volumes from the US to Europe were reportedly up month-on-month in July, amid  strong demand from petrochemical crackers in Europe, the outlook for further arbitrage activity is declining in view of decreasing positive netbacks.
  • Platts noted that the pick-up in Middle East and US loading activity has given further bounce in Very Large Gas Carriers (VLGC) rates towards $40/bbl.

Domestic Prices      

Oil companies increased the price of LPG effective 01 August 2021 by P3.27 to P3.35/kg or about P36.00 to 37.00 per 11-kg cylinder. Auto LPG likewise increased by P1.85 to P1.87/liter.

As of 01 August  2021, household LPG in Metro Manila are estimated to range from P691.00 to P997.00 per 11-kilogram cylinder.


Shown below are the retail prices of 11 Kg. Household LPG
in Metro Manila from full year of 2020 to August 2021

Year Domestic
Increase (-Decrease)
January 677.00-829.00 7.55
February 655.00-778.00 -2.20
March 611.00-795.00 -3.90
April 501.00-770.00 -9.60 to -10.70
May 536.00-854.00 5.80
June 536.00-854.00 -0.28
July 560.00-780.00 0.50
August 550.00-780.00 0.15
September 560.00-720.00 0.15-0.18
October 528.00-820.00 1.00
November 539.00-850.00 3.20
December 557.00-860.00 0.96
January 600.00-905.00 4.16
February 634.00-937.00 2.95-3.00
March 640.00-946.00 0.73-0.82
April 605.00-784.00 -3.30
May 639.00-900.00 -3.20
June 600.00-920.00 2.18-2.20
July 655.00-960.00 5.19-5.20
August  691.00-997.00* 3.27-3.35

Note: *Prices for August are estimates

For more information, call the Department of Energy:
Pricing: 840-2187
LPG: 840-2130
Fuels: 840-5669
SMS: (0915) 4469421
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.doe.gov.ph



LPG Monitor as of July 2021

LPG Contract Price (CP)

LPG Contract Price (CP), commonly called the “Saudi CP” is the primary driver of LPG pricing in the Far East including the Philippines.  It is the international price benchmark set at the beginning of each month by Saudi Arabia’s state - owned oil company Saudi Aramco.

Aramco's CPs, which set the price of LPG lifted from the Saudi ports Yanbu, Ras Tanura and Ju'aymah under term supply contracts, are closely watched by the market as they tend to set a base level for LPG pricing for most markets East of Suez.

The DOE refer to the LPG/Saudi CP and forex monthly average changes in determining/monitoring the price adjustments of LPG in the domestic market. Following the timing of the monthly changes in CP, domestic price of LPG also varies every first day of the month and remain constant throughout the whole month.

Like all other petroleum products, the Philippines has no influence over the LPG CP as the country’s domestic requirement is small versus the world demand.

For the month of July 2021, LPG Contract Price has increased by US$93.50/MT to US$ 620.00/MT, from US$ 526.50/MT last month.

International LPG Market Development

  • Saudi Aramco set its July propane term contract price (CP) at $620/mt, up $90/mt from June while the butane CP was also set at $620/mt, up $95/mt, versus last month.  LPG in the country is a combination of 30% propane and 70% butane.
  • The surging LPG prices according to world industry experts had been due to the tightening demand for the commodity as global economies recover from Covid-19 lockdowns.  Covid vaccine rollouts in big economies - China, the United States and European nations have been leading the recoveries.
  • Other countries are also reportedly starting to build up on their inventories to prepare for their heating requirements during the winter season; hence, giving heavier pressure on LPG demand.
    • Demand in South rebounds 14% after 3 months of falls
    • LPG imports by India in May rises to 1.057 million mt
    • China imported 2.24 million mt of LPG in May, up 11.5% month on month and 11.9% year on year, data released by the General Administration of Customs showed June 21.
  • On the supply side, while the Middle East spot supplies from Qatar and Kuwait remain steady, Saudi Arabia cut acceptances of term cargo nominations for July as the Persian Gulf market faces tight supply due reportedly to plant maintenance at Saudi Arabia's key refinery at Ras Tanura.
  • Traders also noted that July-loading cargoes from the US are showing signs of improvement, although the volumes are not yet ample enough to meet demand in Asia; thus, keeping prices in the region firm.

Domestic Prices      

Oil companies increased the price of LPG effective 01 July 2021 by P5.19 to P5.20/kg or about P57.09 to 57.20 per 11-kg cylinder. Auto LPG likewise increased by P2.90/liter.

As of 01 July 2021, household LPG in Metro Manila are estimated to range from P720.00 to P981.00 per 11-kilogram cylinder.

Shown below are the retail prices of 11 Kg. Household LPG
in Metro Manila from full year of 2020 to July 2021

Year Domestic
Increase (-Decrease)
January 677.00-829.00 7.55
February 655.00-778.00 -2.20
March 611.00-795.00 -3.90
April 501.00-770.00 -9.60 to -10.70
May 536.00-854.00 5.80
June 536.00-854.00 -0.28
July 560.00-780.00 0.50
August 550.00-780.00 0.15
September 560.00-720.00 0.15-0.18
October 528.00-820.00 1.00
November 539.00-850.00 3.20
December 557.00-860.00 0.96
January 600.00-905.00 4.16
February 634.00-937.00 2.95-3.00
March 640.00-946.00 0.73-0.82
April 605.00-784.00 -3.30
May 639.00-900.00 -3.20
June 600.00-920.00 2.18-2.20
July 720.00-981.00* 5.19-5.20

* Prices for July are estimates

For more information, call the Department of Energy:
Pricing: 840-2187
LPG: 840-2130
Fuels: 840-5669
SMS: (0915) 4469421
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.doe.gov.ph

