LPG Monitor as of February 2022

LPG Contract Price (CP)

LPG Contract Price (CP), commonly called the “Saudi CP” is the primary driver of LPG pricing in the Far East including the Philippines. It is the international price benchmark set at the beginning of each month by Saudi Arabia’s state - owned oil company Saudi Aramco.

Aramco's CPs, which set the price of LPG lifted from the Saudi ports Yanbu, Ras Tanura and Ju'aymah under term supply contracts, are closely watched by the market as they tend to set a base level for LPG pricing for most markets East of Suez.

The DOE refer to the LPG/Saudi CP and forex monthly average changes in determining/monitoring the price adjustments of LPG in the domestic market. Following the timing of the monthly changes in CP, domestic price of LPG also varies every first day of the month and remain constant throughout the whole month.

Like all other petroleum products, the Philippines has no influence over the LPG CP as the country’s domestic requirement is small versus the world demand.

For the month of February 2022, LPG Contract Price has increased by US$56.00/MT to US$ 775.00 /MT, from US$ 719.00/MT last month.

International LPG Market Development1

  • Saudi Aramco has set both propane and butane for February contract prices at $775/MT. Compared to January CPs, propane CP increased by $35/MT and butane also rose by $65/MT.
  • The February CPs were said to have been set at the middle range of term lifters' recommendations and marked a recovery after two months of falls th at had snapped six consecutive months of increases.

  • Platts noted that Asia is expected to be well supplied. Exports from major Middle East producers are expected to rise 6.6% year on year in 2022.

o The total exports from Qatar, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iran are estimated to rise to 38.9 million metric ton, from 36.5 million in 2021, of which Qatar's 2022 exports are expected to stay around 10 million metric ton, the UAE's rise to 9.9 million metric ton from 9.4 million metric ton in 2021, and Saudi Arabia's rise to around 8.6 million metric from 7 million metric ton.

o Most of the 2022 exports are committed under term supply contracts, though Qatar occasionally offers spot LPG.

  • On demand, Asia's petrochemical makers were reportedly considering to use propane as alternate steam cracker feedstock amid the deepening discount of propane to naphtha, and as LPG is pressured by ample supply and a lull in Chinese and Indian demand.

o In recent years, Asian cracker operators likely turn to LPG as alternate feedstock even if the discount of propane to naphtha is not as sharp as $50/mt, or when LPG CP is 90% lower than naphtha, which has been the typical level deemed economically viable for the switch.

  • The price of LPG is projected to rise from March as China returns from long holiday and Indian spot demand recovers; and as regional demand extends its projected growth and competes with rising consumption in Europe and Latin America for US cargoes.

Domestic Prices      

Oil companies increased the price of LPG effective 01 February 2022 by P4.00 kg or about P44.00 per 11-kg cylinder. Auto LPG likewise increased by P2.23 to P2.24/liter.

As of 01 February 2022, household LPG in Metro Manila are estimated to range from P794.00 to P1,054.00 per 11-kilogram cylinder.

Shown below are the retail prices of 11 Kg. Household LPG
in Metro Manila from full year of 2021 to February 2022

Year Domestic
Increase (-Decrease)
January 600.00-905.00 4.15-4.20
February 634.00-937.00 2.95-3.00
March 643.00-946.00 0.73-0.82
April 605.00-784.00 (3.27)-(3.30)
May 639.00-900.00 (3.15)-(3.20)
June 600.00-920.00 2.18-2.44
July 655.00-960.00 5.19-5.20
August 710.00-992.00 3.27-3.35
September 780.00-995.00 0.64-0.65
October 832.00-1040.00 7.40
November 884.00-1085.00 2.73-3.10
December 850.00-1037.00 (4.37)-(4.75)
January 794.00-1010.00 -2.55
February 794.00-1054.00* 4.00

Note: *Prices for February 2022 are estimates

For more information, call the Department of Energy:
Pricing: 840-2187
LPG: 840-2130
Fuels: 840-5669
SMS: (0915) 4469421
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.doe.gov.ph


1 Platts news

LPG Monitor as of January 2022

LPG Contract Price (CP)

LPG Contract Price (CP), commonly called the “Saudi CP” is the primary driver of LPG pricing in the Far East including the Philippines. It is the international price benchmark set at the beginning of each month by Saudi Arabia’s state - owned oil company Saudi Aramco.

Aramco's CPs, which set the price of LPG lifted from the Saudi ports Yanbu, Ras Tanura and Ju'aymah under term supply contracts, are closely watched by the market as they tend to set a base level for LPG pricing for most markets East of Suez.

The DOE refer to the LPG/Saudi CP and forex monthly average changes in etermining/monitoring the price adjustments of LPG in the domestic market. Following the timing of the monthly changes in CP, domestic price of LPG also varies every first day of the month and remain constant throughout the whole month.

Like all other petroleum products, the Philippines has no influence over the LPG CP as the country’s domestic requirement is small versus the world demand.

For the month of January 2022, LPG Contract Price has decreased by US$44.00/MT to US$ 719.00/MT, from US$ 763.50/MT last month.

International LPG Market Development

  • Saudi Aramco set its January propane contract price at $740/mt, down $55/mt from the December CP, and the butane CP at $710/mt, $40/mt below December. It is the second consecutive decrease after six straight monthly rises in CPs.
  • Platts noted of lower demand from some countries in Asia and on expectation of dehydrogenation plants maintenance in China in January as the reasons for the lower LPG CP for the month:

o Demand from India decreased as buying interest remained low due to an overhang of supplies following the annual Diwali celebrations, when demand typically spikes.

o Demand from China are also expected to be lower as more propane dehydrogenation plants shut down for maintenance in January compared with December.

o LPG demand for heating is also expected to be low in South Korea as the country is expected to enter an unusually warm winter.

o Winter demand in Japan was also heard to be low despite the recent cold snap as the country maintained robust inventories from advanced purchases.

  • On supply, there are reports that some end-users have expressed worries if the US’ growing LPG supply will be sufficient to meet the rising demand in Asia even as Europe and Latin America increasingly compete for US cargoes. Middle East flow of supply is seen to be stable to slightly higher, and Iranian shipments could fill the Chinese demand.
  • Platts noted that Asia is bracing for consistently costlier LPG versus naphtha, which may be entrenched as the major feedstock for steam crackers in 2022, extending the trend seen for about nine months in 2021, as propane demand rises further on growth in China's propane dehydrogenation sector. 


Domestic Prices      

Oil companies decreased the price of LPG effective 01 January 2022 by P2.55kg or about P28.05 per 11-kg cylinder. Auto LPG likewise decreased by P1.40 to P1.43/liter.

As of 01 January 2022, household LPG in Metro Manila are estimated to range from P822.00 to P1,009.00 per 11-kilogram cylinder.

Shown below are the retail prices of 11 Kg. Household LPG
in Metro Manila from full year of 2021 to January 2022

Year Domestic
Increase (-Decrease)
January 600.00-905.00 4.15-4.20
February 634.00-937.00 2.95-3.00
March 643.00-946.00 0.73-0.82
April 605.00-784.00 (3.27)-(3.30)
May 639.00-900.00 (3.15)-(3.20)
June 600.00-920.00 2.18-2.44
July 655.00-960.00 5.19-5.20
August 710.00-992.00 3.27-3.35
September 780.00-995.00 0.64-0.65
October 832.00-1040.00 7.40
November 884.00-1085.00 2.73-3.10
December 850.00-1037.00 (4.37)-(4.75)
January 821.95-1008.95* -2.55

Note: *Prices for January 2022 are estimates

For more information, call the Department of Energy:
Pricing: 840-2187
LPG: 840-2130
Fuels: 840-5669
SMS: (0915) 4469421
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.doe.gov.ph

