Power Development Plan 2017-2040

Power Development Plan 2017-2040

The Power Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2040 takes-off from the published PDP, 2016-2040.

The country’s electricity demand is projected to grow by about 5% annually and will reach a total of 49,287 MW by 2040. To meet this demand including reserve requirements, a total of 43,765 MW additional capacities must come online. The DOE stands with its technology neutral position were all types of technologies are welcome as long as they are efficient, reliable, and able to provide the least-cost option and flexibility in the system.

In addition, this PDP also presents the accomplishments and implementation status of the Power Sector Roadmaps embodied in the PDP, 2016-2040. These sectoral roadmaps remain anchored on the Department’s mandate to ensure the delivery of stable, secure, sufficient, sustainable and accessible energy; and a vision towards a globally-competitive energy industry which creates wealth and transforms lives of the Filipinos.

PDP, 2017-2040 is the master plan which integrates all the development plans for the generation, transmission, distribution, and supply sectors for the grid and off-grid areas. It also outlines the recent developments in the electricity market, the off-grid and missionary areas, household electrification, and the institutional support mechanisms of the Department. It contains the following portions: 2017 Power Demand and Supply Highlights; (Chapter II); 2017 Power Demand and Supply Outlook, Assessment (Chapter III); Power Sector Roadmap 2040: 2017 Implementation Status Updates (Chapters IV); and Way Forward (Chapter V).

Click to view/download PDF file of Power Development Plan 2017-2040
