What's New

Published on Friday, 5 June 2015



The energy sector continuously supports the restructuring and deregulation of the electric power industry consistent with the provisions of Republic Act No. 9136 otherwise known as EPIRA. At the forefront, the Department of Energy (DOE) earnestly performs its function of supervising and monitoring the implementation of the EPIRA to ensure that the objectives of the law will be realized albeit difficulties that are hurdling the sector today.

The 11th progress report, which covers the period May 2007 to October 2007, focused on six (6) major areas, to wit:

• Privatization
• Competition
• Electricity Rates
• Energy Supply Security and Reliability
• Total Electrification
• Strengthening the Reform Process

However, Chapter II already includes more recent updates on privatization of NPC generating assets and Transco concession.

The section on Strengthening the Reform Process included highlighting the current efforts to proactively implement the reforms as contained in the EPIRA either through administrative or legal means. Various bills were filed in the 14th Congress to amend the EPIRA with the end-view of increasing benefits to both consumers and investors.


View complete Report: 11TH EPIRA STATUS REPORT


Published on Friday, 5 June 2015



The 12th Status Report of EPIRA Implementation contains various developments in the energy sector's evolving transformation to the restructured electricity industry as of April 2008. In addition to the usual contents, this report includes current initiatives to lower electricity rates in line with the results of the Philippine Energy Summit conducted in February 2008.

The EPIRA Law involved substantive and concrete changes to the electric power industry. The EPIRA is anchored on two aspects - the restructuring of the power industry and the privatization of NPC will affect the balance of power within the electric power industry and the roles and responsibilities of the DOE, ERC, PSALM, TransCo and NPC.


View complete Report: 12TH EPIRA STATUS REPORT


Published on Friday, 5 June 2015



The 13th Status Report of EPIRA Implementation covers the period May 2008 to October 2008. The report contains recent developments in the reform implementation and as well the renewed vigor of the government in addressing key issues and its effort to implement responsive measures towards achieving the goals of the EPIRA.

One major achievement during this period is the near completion of the fourth precondition to Open Access and Retail Competition, i.e. seventy percent (70%) privatization of NPC generating assets in Luzon and Visayas, and the concluding activities towards the turnover to the Concessionaire of the operation of the country’s national transmission business. In terms of establishing a competitive electricity market, the Energy Family (DOE, PSALM, NPC, NEA and TransCo) headed by the DOE made bold steps in assessing the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Rules particularly on the governance and operational aspects of the electricity market operation as envisioned in the EPIRA.

Various activities towards ensuring that the goals set by the EPIRA will be met, the Energy Family likewise embarked on a multi-stakeholders consultative forum through the creation of a Technical Working Group to address issues relating to power sector.


View complete Report: 13th EPIRA Status Report


Published on Friday, 5 June 2015



The 14th Status Re port of Electric Power Industry Reform Act ( EPIRA ) Implementat ion covers the period November 2008 to April 2009. The report highlights continuing implementation of the reforms as set forth in Republic Act 9136 or EPIRA amidst the challenges posed by the gl obal financial crisis which affected several key reforms agenda particularly that of privatizing the remaining generating assets and the transfer of I ndependent P ower P roducer (IPP) contracts to independent administrators. The task ahea d for the energy sec tor is more complicated, howeve r, the Department of Energy (DOE) , it s attached agencies and the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) remained steadfast in carrying out their respective and collective mandate towards the fulfillment of EPIRA objectives.

Click to View Complete PDF File of 14th EPIRA status report 


Published on Friday, 5 June 2015



The 15th Status Report of Electric Power Industry Reform Act (EPIRA) Implementation covers the period May to October 2009, although updates for privatization for November 2009 was already included. It highlights continuing implementation of the reforms as set forth in Republic Act 9136 or through the sector’s efforts to hurdle the global financial crisis that affected major policy objectives particularly in terms oencouraging new investments in power generation. Fortunately, despite the challenges posed by the crisis, the government’s privatization efforts reaped considerable gains with the threshold in generating assets privatization reached at more than 80 percent and the success for the bidding of the first wave of NPP-IPP contracts privatization.

For the period May to October 2009, the government focused mainly in addressing issues relating to competition and has initiated activities towards harmonization of the EPIRA Law with the newly passed Renewable Energy (RE) Act.


Click to view Complete PDF File of 15th EPIRA Status Report 
