13th Status Report on EPIRA Implementation



The 13th Status Report of EPIRA Implementation covers the period May 2008 to October 2008. The report contains recent developments in the reform implementation and as well the renewed vigor of the government in addressing key issues and its effort to implement responsive measures towards achieving the goals of the EPIRA.

One major achievement during this period is the near completion of the fourth precondition to Open Access and Retail Competition, i.e. seventy percent (70%) privatization of NPC generating assets in Luzon and Visayas, and the concluding activities towards the turnover to the Concessionaire of the operation of the country’s national transmission business. In terms of establishing a competitive electricity market, the Energy Family (DOE, PSALM, NPC, NEA and TransCo) headed by the DOE made bold steps in assessing the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Rules particularly on the governance and operational aspects of the electricity market operation as envisioned in the EPIRA.

Various activities towards ensuring that the goals set by the EPIRA will be met, the Energy Family likewise embarked on a multi-stakeholders consultative forum through the creation of a Technical Working Group to address issues relating to power sector.


View complete Report: 13th EPIRA Status Report