Advisory on the Moratorium of Endorsements for Greenfield Coal-Fired Power Projects In Line with Improving the Sustainability of the Philippines' Electric Power Industry


DATE: December 22, 2020

To support and effectively implement the policies issued by the Department of Energy (DOE) with the aim of improving energy sustainability, reliability, and flexibility by: (1) increasing the Renewable Energy (RE) share in the energy mix; (2) Promoting new technologies; (3) Increasing system flexibility; and (4) Adhering to higher environmental standards, the DOE hereby issues the following advisory on the moratorium of endorsement of the application and development of new coal-fired power projects:

To All Power Sector Stakeholders:

  1. The Department will not process applications for greenfield coal-fired power generation facility projects requesting for endorsements; and
  2. Existing power plant complexes which already have firm expansions plans and existing land site provision; and
  3. Indicative power projects with substantial accomplishments, specifically the following:
    • With signed and notarized acquisition of land or Lease Agreement for the project; and
    • With approved permits or Resolutions from LGUs (city/municipality, province) and the Regional Development Council where the power plants will be located.

This will be in effect in all grid systems starting 27 October 2020. For details, all Power Sector Stakeholders are advised to see the attached advisory notes.

Rest assured that this wil be regularly assessed and we will keep you informed of further developments on this matter.

For everyone's guidance. Thank you.

Attachment (Click to view/download file):