DOE Warns Public Anew of Illegal Solicitation

25 March 2014

The Department of Energy (DOE) warns the public and energy stakeholders of unscrupulous individuals posing as Secretary Carlos Jericho L. Petilla and certain DOE employees soliciting money from distribution utilities and electric cooperatives and oil companies across the country to fund team building and certain occasions.

This time, the mobile number 0915-137-0801 has been used for this unlawful purpose. A certain Mrs. Cyril Sevilla has been representing herself as a staff at the DOE-Office of the Secretary (OSEC).

The DOE reiterates it adherence to the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees (Republic Act 6713) which prohibits officials and employees from soliciting money.

With these occurrences, we encourage everyone to report any form of communication from this individual, and verify the authenticity of these messages with the DOE through the OSEC’s official numbers: 840-2134 and 840-2008.
