DOE Receives Update on Vires Project

The Department of Energy (DOE) is issuing this clarification in relation to its Media Release on 24 April 2021 regarding Vires Energy Corporation (VEC):

The DOE was informed by Vires that its original plan to use the BW Paris LNG tanker vessel for its proposed Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) did not materialize.

The VEC, in a letter to Secretary Alfonso G. Cusi, said the power firm is currently considering options and/or arrangements of other potential vessel to proceed with its planned Integrated Natural Gas-Fired Power Plant and LNG Storage and Regasification Terminal Project, which was recently given its Notice to Proceed (NTP) by the DOE.

 "We would like to clarify that at the time of our initial application for NTP in June 2020, we were in communication with BW for the possible use of their BW Paris FSRU for the LNG terminal component of our Integrated Project which did not progress to a successful closure. Vires is currently considering options and/or arrangements of other potential vessels," said VEC president Eduardo Mañalac.

