PH Highlights Gov’t-Private Sector Partnership in 2019-2020 AESIEAP Hosting

The Philippines underscores the crucial role of the strong partnership between the government and the private sector in the attainment of the country’s energy development agenda, as it hosts two key events of the Association of Electricity Supply Industry of East Asia and the Western Pacific (AESIEAP) for 2019 and 2020. 
AESIEAP is the largest organization of power and industry companies in the region. 
The Department of Energy (DOE), Manila Electric Company (Meralco), National Power Corporation, National Grid Corporation of the Philippines, National Transmission Corporation, and the Department of Tourism will lead the hosting of the 2019 CEO Conference to take place this September in Cebu, as well as the 2020 Conference of Electric Power Supply Industry (CEPSI), which will be held in Manila. 
DOE Secretary and Honorary AESIEAP Chairperson Alfonso G. Cusi looks forward to these events, which would give the country access to an international platform where members of the energy family, both from the government and private sector, could actively engage in current industry discourse and promote the country as a tourist and energy investment destination. 
“We are proud and honored to have been given this opportunity, especially since our very own energy players – our local power companies and electric cooperatives – will gain invaluable knowledge and exposure to emerging regional technologies, standards, and best industry practices,” Sec. Cusi said. 
Emphasizing the theme, “Energized Countries, Empowered Communities”, the program and speakers of AESIEAP 2019-2020 will feature landmark policies and breakthrough innovations in the Philippine energy industry. In addition, an impressive showcase of Filipino talent likewise awaits conference participants.  
The AESIEAP CEO Conference will be held from 22-25 September 2019 at the Shangri-La’s Mactan Resort and Spa in Cebu. Over 200 energy ministers and corporate officers from AESIEAP member-countries are expected to attend the event and engage in discussions on pressing regional challenges, as well as ground-breaking strategies and solutions to ensure the sustained development of the energy industry. 
On the other hand, CEPSI, considered the biggest premier electricity supply industry conference in East Asia and the Western Pacific region, will take place from 29 November-3 December 2020 at the Philippine International Convention Center in Pasay City. More than 2,000 delegates from member-organizations are expected to participate.  
“The AESIEAP Philippine Coalition would like to provide meaningful context to our hosting of these conferences by focusing on how the government and private sector could further harness its partnership to create lasting impact on the lives of our citizens. We also want to find more ways to strengthen synergy among all power industry stakeholders,” Meralco President and CEO and AESIEAP 2019-2020 President Oscar S. Reyes emphasized. 
AESIEAP 2019-2020 Secretary-General Rogelio L. Singson added that the Philippines set the bar during its previous hosting of AESIEAP in 2000. “We hope to repeat and even surpass what we achieved during our first hosting. We encourage all the members of the energy family to help secure this victory for our country,” he concluded. 