WHEREAS, it is the declared policy of the State to ensure and accelerate the total electrification of the country; WHEREAS, under Section 1 of Rule 13 of the EPIRA IRR, the Department of Energy (DOE) is tasked to issue specific guidelines on how to encourage the inflow of private capital and the manner whereby other parties including distribution utilities and qualified third parties can participate in the missionary electrification;
WHEREAS, under Section 3 of the EPIRA IRR, the Small Power Utilities Group of the National Power Corporation (NPC-SPUG), is mandated to periodically assess the requirements and prospects of bringing power generation and associated power delivery systems to commercial viability on an area-by-area basis including a program to encourage private sector participation; WHEREAS, missionary electrification functions of NPC-SPUG are funded from the revenues from sales in missionary areas and from the Universal Charge, the participation of private sector shall reduce the burden on the missionary electrification component on the Universal Charge (UC-ME); WHEREAS, the participation of private sector in missionary areas shall reduce the burden on the UC-ME;