Well Data

2.1 Well Logs Reproducible (WLR)

An analog record of the information recorded during Well log acquisition. Well logs are any of a variety of tests run in the Well bore to identify the properties of the rock layers. They are displayed on mylar or sepia to allow reproduction by dyeline machine.

2.2 Well Reports (WR)

A report documenting any (or all) stages of the drilling of a Well. The report may cover any stage of acquisition and/or interpretation of the data obtained from the Well.

2.3 Well Cores and Samples (WCS)

A sample of rock or fluid taken from the Well bore at various depths for analysis and classification.

2.4 Well Tapes (WT)

Magnetic tape containing information in digital format recorded during Well logging. Well tapes may contain either information about the positioning of the drilling rig or data obtained from logging the Well.

2.5 Well Tape Documents (WTD)

Support documents which detail the acquisition and/or processing of data stored on Well tapes.