Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Electric Vehicle (EV) and EV Charging Stations (EVCS) related Programs and Activities:
1. What is EVIDA?
EVIDA or referred to as the Electric Vehicle Industry Development Act (EVIDA) is a Law that ensures the country’s energy security and independence by reducing reliance on imported fuel for the transport sector and provides an enabling environment for the development and adoption of EVs and EV charging stations.
Click or scan the QR Code to access the EVIDA:
Click or scan the QR Code to access the
EVIDA-Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR):
2. What is CREVI?
CREVI or the Comprehensive Roadmap for the Electric Vehicle Industry refers to the national development plan for the EV Industry with an annual work plan to accelerate the development, commercialization, and utilization of EVs in the country.
Click or scan the QR Code to access the CREVI:
3. What are the targets of the CREVI?
The targets of the CREVI are composed of two scenarios:
- Business-as-usual scenario which is projected to have ten percent (10%) EV fleet share (i.e., EV share from the total projected vehicle fleet) by 2040.
- The Clean Energy Scenario sets a more ambitious target with the mandated refleeting of at least fifty percent (50%) of all fleets with EVs by 2040.
4. In the DOE, who handles the Implementation of the EVIDA?
The Energy Utilization Management Bureau of the Department of Energy (DOE-EUMB) handles the implementation of the EVIDA. EV and EVCS related concerns may be sent to DOE-EUMB through email at [email protected] cc: [email protected] or contact us at (02) 8479-2900 loc. 406.
5. What are the issuances implementing EVIDA by the DOE?
a. DC2023-05-0011: Accreditation of EVCS Providers and Registration of EVCS Guidelines
- provides the procedures and requirements for the accreditation of EVCS Providers and EVCS registration per location. This also includes the rules on the safe operation and utilization of EVCS in compliance with existing building codes and regulations.
- Online applications for these processes are completed through the portal or the QR code below:
- Advisory was disseminated for the submission of applications:
b. DC2023-05-0010: Unbundling of EVCS Charging Fees Guidelines
- provides the unbundling requirements, methods, and application documentary requirements for EVCS operating as commercial use charging stations (CUCS).
- Advisory was disseminated for the submission of notice:
c. DC2023-05-0012: EV Recognition Guidelines
- provides the public with the correct information in the determination of EVs that may be eligible for EVIDA incentives as well as a harmonized classification of EVs.
- Advisory was disseminated for the submission of application:
6. What are the EV classifications indicated in the EVIDA?
- Battery EVs (BEVs): EVs with an electrically propelled vehicle with only a traction battery as power source for vehicle propulsion.
- Hybrid-EVs (HEVs): EVs with both a rechargeable energy storage system and a fueled power source for propulsion.
- Light EVs (LEVs): EVs used in micromobility that provide alternative modes of transportation which include electric scooters, electric bicycles, electric personal transport, and other similar vehicles weighing less than fifty kilograms (50 kg).
- Plug-in hybrid-EVs (PHEVs): HEVs with rechargeable energy storage system that can be charged from an external electric energy source.
7. What is the latest list of vehicles recognized by the DOE as EVs?
The List of DOE recognized EVs can be accessed through: