DOE ISO 9001:2015

Progress Report No. 7

Date Posted: September 11, 2018

Development of a Quality Management System (QMS)
 Certifiable to ISO 9001:2015 Standard for the Department of Energy (DOE)
As of 10 July 2018

Lead:  Energy Policy and Planning Bureau

Date / Particulars Activity / ies Remarks
10 July 2018

ISO QMS Meeting / Orientation and Process Walkthrough conducted and participated by the officials and employees of the DOE - Visayas Field Office (DOE – VFO) in support to the Development of Quality Management System Certifiable to ISO 9001:2015 for the Department of Energy.   

Registration of Participants

Attachment 1


Welcome Remarks by Engr. Saul Gonzales, Officer-in-Charge of the DOE – VFO, highlighting the need to support all ISO activities and commitment for the improvement of work process and customer satisfaction to strengthen the service delivery of the Department.


Opening Remarks from Assistant Director Carmencita A. Bariso of the Energy Policy and Planning Bureau and Head of the ISO Secretariat. She mentioned among others, that the certification on ISO 9001:2015 will be a milestone journey for the DOE.  This is also the contribution of DOE on the overall thrust of Government to promote good governance and improve its delivery of service to the general public.


Asst. Dir. C. A. Bariso added that the Agency needs to work together to make ISO Certification a successful journey and eventually make DOE one of the QMS certified to ISO 9001:2015 agencies of the Government by the end of 2018.

Attachment 2


The activity was facilitated by Mr. Ryan Vincent Lim, DAP Technical Assistant for the Project. He presented the workshop agenda, house rules of the workshop, introduction of the participants and resource speaker.

Attachment 3


Mr. Homer Alcon presented the Introduction to Productivity and Quality highlighting on the following objectives:

  1. Develop a common understanding of the basic concepts and principles of Productivity and Quality (P&Q); and,
  2. Recognize the linkage of P & Q with ISO-QMS concepts and principles.

Attachment 4


Presentation on the Orientation on ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System the following points of discussion:

  1. Why the need for a Quality Management System in the Government;
  2. What and Why ISO 9001:2015 QMS;
  3. Legal Basis of the Quality Management System in the Government;
  4. Goal of Government Quality Management  Program;
  5. Composition of the Government Quality Management Committee Chaired by Department of Budget and Management, Co-Chaired by DTI and GQMP structure from the Office of the President (OP), Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) and the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP);
  6. Quality Management Principles / Benefits / Requirements;
  7. The 2018 DAP ISO 9001:2015 QMS Beneficiaries from the Academe are Palawan State University, Central Philippine State University, Camiguin State University, Kalinga State University, and Northwest Samar State University.  National government includes DOE, DOH , and DILG; other offices not yet covered by ISO 9001, Land Transportation Franchising & Regulatory Board, National Museum, Komisyon ng Wikang Filipino, Kagawaran ng Edukasyon, Optical Media Board and Public Attorney’s Office;
  8. Benefits of ISO 9001 QMS  in the Public Sector;
  9. Structure of ISO 9001:2015 QMS particularly on Clause 5 –Leadership and Top Management Commitment;

Attachment 5


Clarification on the ISO Activities with response from DAP:

  1. What is the consequence if DOE fails in the certification?
    • The  DOE will return the Technical Assistance grant provided by DBM through the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) amounting to almost P1.3 million;
    • OMS certification is a criteria in the grant of PBB thus there might be difficulty by DOE in  obtaining eligibility to this Government incentive; and,

    • The DOE will be left behind in the effort of a whole of government quality management system certification for all its agencies and instrumentalities.  
  2. Is Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) one of the requirements for certification? Aside from the contract process?
    • The agency’s compliance to SPMS is partly one of the requirements. A sampling of this should form part of the Quality Manual together with the applicable clause of the ISO OMS Standards. Need to present evidences of planning sessions in the process of making IPCRs such as Minutes of Meetings or Workshop Reports.

Pledge of Commitment by DOE – VFO officials and employees.

Attachment 6

Visit to the DOE VFO office to conduct the Process Walkthrough and 5S Good Housekeeping Appraisal.

Attachment 7

  Presentation of the previous workshop output of the VFO team on the Value Stream Map  on  Securing COC presented by VFO Supervising SRS, Mr. Rey Maleza.

Attachment 8


Still for discussion of the VFO team and for improvement


5S Appraisal / Process Walkthrough /Observations during actual visit to DOE-Visayas Field Office by DAP Project Team / DOE-QMS Secretariat:

  1. Citizen Charter posted appropriately but need to be updated;
  2. Signage like “Welcome to DOE” not visible;
  3. No standard size/features / design for signage’s;
  4. For COCs, big risk is the non-compliance   with the 16 hours standard process time – risk of unavailable actors;
  5. Monitoring of actual processing time for COCs;
  6. Make a standard for simple and complex COCs;
  7. Add additional risk items in the Quality Plan, e.g. non availability of actors;
  8. Consider classify transaction type in analysis;
  9. Organize a Work Improvement Team to drive quality improvement within the group such as solving problems, corrective actions, audit and process issues, administration issues, etc.;
  10. Posted documents in the bulletin boards  should be marked “approved for posting”;
  11. Post Quality Policy when available. Communicate to All.
  12. Organize teams: Knowledge Management, 5S, Internal Quality Audit, Risk Management,  Training and Advocacy.

Additional Observations from the member of the DOE ISO Secretariat, Assistant Director Carmencita Bariso and Ms. Victoria Capito:

  1. Some improvement on orderliness as compared from last year’s visit done by EPPB (to discuss on the sectoral roadmaps)
  2. Video Conferencing equipment available in the VFO Conference Room but there is interconnectivity constraints; thus in previous MANCOM meetings, there were times when it was hard to hook up VFO;
  3. Suggestion/client feedback box need to be restored;
  4. Customer complaint form had to be institutionalized ;
  5. VFO is encouraged to join  various DOE Viber groups to always be on the loop with the happenings and news emanating from Central Office;
  6. On COC, intensify IECs to inform concerned stakeholders in areas outside of the city on the importance of their compliance to requirements and their corresponding obligation;
  7. Standardize expiration of contracts to 5 years, (already done/amended through the new DO);
  8. Improve workspace arrangements and environment in order to be encouraged and inspired  deliver better and quality professional services;
  9. Issue memorandum circulars to be signed by Asec Pulido / Sec Cusi;
  10. Connect always with Central Office;
  11. Prepare Field Office Quality Manual as soon as possible;
  12. To beef up on disaster and emergency preparedness, give priority to clearing and identifying the emergency exit;
  13. Stockroom and records to be separated, clear delineation of custodians;
  14. Records management – proper filing and assign records custodian/officer (for checking if field offices have one) – records disposal system;

Further, DAP representative, Mr. Ryan Vincent Lim provided his observations:

  1. Physical appearance of the VFO is very typical of a government office and the records are well kept;
  2. Lack of signages (important to serve as  guide to clients);
  3. Need to manage and ensure that wires and connections are properly and safely installed and use the modularization as opportunity to improve this concern;
  4. Keep inventory of supplies such as bond papers in the printer area, and use markers to know when to replenish.

Clarifications on the following were discussed:

  1. Cultural traditions – the presence of religious items in a workplace will depend on the standards to be set by 5S Workplace Team; and,
  2. Records management – DOE VFO is regularly visited by the Records Division from the Central Office to ensure compliance to records management and disposition process.

Announcement by Ms. Edith Ramos of the  DOE ISO Secretariat:

  • Next DOE ISO activity is on the Training on QMS Audit is scheduled on 24 to 27 July 2018 in Manila; and,

Check website for posted schedule of activities, Progress Report and other ISO related updates.

Attachment 9


Response and Closing Remarks from DOE VFO OIC Director, Engr. Saul Gonzales,:

  1. VFO has already met and created ISO technical, housekeeping, layout committees;
  2. Grateful for and will take the advice / observations of DAP and the ISO Secretariat and work on it, not just in mind and in words but wholeheartedly support the ISO Certification; and,
  3. DOE-VFO will coordinate and cooperate / and do necessary actions to improve.

