Advisory on the Extension of Deadline on the Submission of Energy Conservation Reports as per DOE MC 2020-05-0001

To All Designated Establishments under the Commercial, Industrial, and Transport Sectors:

Subject: Advisory on the Extension of Deadline on the Submission of Energy Conservation Reports as per DOE MC 2020-05-0001

Date Published:
01 July 2020 (Daily Tribune)
03 July 2020 (Business World)

As the Nation continues to battle the effects of the Corona Virus Diseases (COVID-19) pandemic, the Department of Energy (DOE) is one with the Philippine Government in addressing the needs of the Filipino People during these trying times. We have taken the lead in ensuring the continued supply of energy throughout the country and have reached out to all our stakeholders so that the coordination between the government and the private sector will result to the assured provision of energy goods and services that are vital to support our frontliners who are serving hospitals, checkpoints, and places that provides essential services.

The DOE is fully aware that some places in the country are still under the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) and others in General Community Quarantine (GCQ). However, in both cases, the movement of people is restrained while businesses and manufacturing establishments are partially operating.

In this regard, we are reaching out to all designated establishments with an annual energy consumption threshold from 100,000 kWh and above (Sec.19 and 20(f) of the RA 11285 and Sec.1 and 2 of MC 2020-05-0001), that the submission of their FY 2016 to FY 2020 annual energy conservation reports, using the forms for the Annual Energy Utilization Report (AEUR) and FY 2020 Annual Energy Efficiency & Conservation Report (AEECR), will be extended from 30 June 2020 to a new date of 15 April 2021 together with your company’s FY 2021 AEUR and AEECR. This is to give designated establishments ample time to prepare the reports with due consideration on the new normal of business operation.

We look forward to your compliance and pursue energy efficiency and conservation even at this time of the pandemic situation that we are all facing in.

Thank you.