Advisory: Ensuring Reliable and Stable Electric Power Supply During the Government's COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-Out Program

To : All Distribution Utilities

From : Secretary Alfonso G. Cusi

Date : February 16, 2021

In view of the Government's COVID-19 Vaccination Roll Out Program by the end of the first quarter of 2021, the DOE hereby enjoins all distribution utilities to undertake the following actions:

  1. Ensure continuous reliable and stable electric power supply to COVID-19 vaccine cold storage facilities and healthcare facilities through the provision of back-up generating sets and/or distribution system reconfiguration.

  2. Ensure that emergency response protocols and Business Continuity Plans are updated to be responsive to the prioritization to the Covid-19 vaccines cold storage facilities and healthcare facilities in cases of power outages.

  3. Ensure enough contracted capacities for energy to address possible increase in demand requirements.

  4. Intensify vegetation management programs to eliminate or at least minimize power interruptions.

  5. Provide necessary support for COvid-19 vaccine cold storage facilities and healthcare facilities installing their own back-up supply, among others.

For guidance and strict compliance. Thank you.

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