Call for Comments on the Draft Department Circular "The Rules and Regulations on Administrative Actions for Violations of the RPS Rules"
Post date: Tuesday, 13 June 2023 04:49PM

The Department of Energy, through the Renewable Energy Management Bureau, solicits comments and inputs on the draft Department Circular titled, "The Rules and Regulations on Administrative Actions for Violations of the RPS Rules."

Advisory No. RESHERR-1 Moratorium on Obligations of RE Projects under Pre-Development & Pre-Construction Phase under Renewable Energy Safety, Health, and Environment Rules and Regulations (RESHERR) & Call for Comments on Amendment of RESHERR Guidelines
Post date: Thursday, 8 June 2023 03:02PM


Call for Comments on the Draft Department Circular "Policy on the Mapping of Submarine, Inter-Island Overhead and Underground Oil and Gas Pipelines and Power Line Facilities to Ensure Its Safety and Security"
Post date: Tuesday, 23 May 2023 02:25PM

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