Call for Comments on the Proposed Department Circulars Regarding Philippine Transport Vehicle Fuel Economy Labeling Program (VFELP) and Fuel Economy Performance Rating (FEPR)
Post date: Thursday, 17 November 2022 12:34PM

The Department of Energy is hereby requesting all interested parties to submit their comments/recommendations on the proposed Department Circulars Call for Comments on the Proposed Department Circulars regarding Philippine Transport Vehicle Fuel Economy Labeling Program (VFELP) and Fuel Economy Performance Rating (FEPR).

Submission of comments/recommendations should be addressed to:

Dir. Patrick T. Aquino, CESO III
Energy Utilization Management Bureau
Department of Energy

and send through email address at or on or before 16 December 2022.

Call for Comments on the Draft Department Circular entitled “Implementing Guidelines for the Decommissioning and Mothballing of Generating Plant or Unit pursuant to Section 2.8 of DOE DC2010-03-0003”
Post date: Wednesday, 16 November 2022 07:40PM



The Department of Energy, through the Electric Power Industry Management Bureau, hereby requests interested parties and stakeholders for comments and recommendations on the Draft Department Circular entitled “Implementing Guidelines for the Decommissioning and Mothballing of Generating Plant or Unit pursuant to Section 2.8 of DOE DC2010-03-0003.”

Comments and recommendations should be addressed to:

Director Irma C. Exconde
Electric Power Industry Management Bureau
Telephone No.: (02) 8840-2120

Submission of comments and recommendations should be made on or before 15 December 2022 and shall be submitted via email to

Advisory on the Enhancement of Policies and Guidelines for the Development of Offshore Wind Projects
Post date: Friday, 11 November 2022 03:17PM

Attachment (Click to view/download PD file):
