Request for Comments on the (1) Draft PNS/DOE QS 014:2018 - Residual Marine Fuel Specification; and (2) Draft PNS/DOE QS 006:2018 - Industrial Fuel Oil Specification

Request for Comments

In line with the objectives of the Clean Air Act of 1999 and the continuing policies and programs of the Department in formulating/updating the fuel quality specifications of petroleum products in terms of the current requirement of the industry, its users and manufacturers vis-à-vis the continuing commitment in ensuring supply availability and also by endeavoring to harmonize internationally/regional environmental standards for fuels.

The Department of Energy's Technical Committee on Petroleum Products and Additives (DOE/TCPPA) developed, reviewed and revised the following standards:

1. DPNS/DOE QS 014:2018 - Residual Marine Fuel Specification

  • The proposed standard is adopted from ISO 8217:2017 (E) Petroleum Products Fuels (Class F) - Specifications of Marine Fuels, specifically the residual marine fuel category ISO-F-RMG 180 and ISO-F-RMK 380. It sets the statutory requirement for sulfur content at 3.0%, mass, maximum based on the current Philippine condition and Fuel oil standard (PNS/DOE QS 006). This standard intends to be aligned with the program of International Maritime Organization (IMO) for the requirement of sulfur content at 0.5% mass, maximum by 2020.

2. DPNS/DOE QS 006:2018 - Industrial Fuel Oil Specification

  • The proposed standard is an update/review of PNS/DOE QS 005:2005 with minor revision.

Enclosed is a copy of the draft standards for your comments. It is suggested that any proposed changes to the specifications be supported with explanations/justifications.

We appreciate receiving your comments/positions thru mail or email at [email protected] on or before July 31, 2018 for it to be considered in the finalization of the standard. Non-receipt of your comments on the specified date shall be construed as an approval of the draft standards.

Thank you for your usual cooperation.


Very truly yours,

Dir. Rino E. Abad