House Rules Governing the Review and Evaluation of Direct Connection Applications of Industrial, Commercial and other Qualified Electricity End-users, Economic Zones and Ecozone Enterprises

Legal Basis

Pursuant to the Supreme Court (SC) decision in the Mactan Electric Company, Inc. (MECO) vs NPC, etc (G.R. No. 172960), the subject matter of the dispute between MECO and NPC involved the distribution of energy resource, specifically direct supply of electricity which was not within the authority of ERC to resolve nor the Regional Trial Court (RTC) as the jurisdiction belonged to the DOE. Thus, in compliance with the said SC ruling, the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) endorsed on 08 May 2014 all Direct Connection application to the DOE.

Purpose. This House Rules will serve as internal guidelines to govern the review and evaluation of the application for direct connection by Electricity End-users and Ecozone Enterprises.

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