Summary of Renewable Energy (RE) Projects under the RE Act of 2008

Resources No. of RE Projects Potential Capacity MW Installed Capacity MW
Commercial Own-Use Commercial Own-Use Commercial Own-Use
Hydropower 433 4  12,947.827 - 1,383.139 5.024
Ocean Energy 9 - 34.000 - - -
Geothermal 33 - 1,039.218 - 1,951.735 -
Wind 322 - 103,981.974 - 442.900 -
Solar 540 62 43,518.308   2,117.924  64.015
Biomass* 57 18  278.779 - 591.799 182.871
Sub-Total 1394 84 161,800.11  0.000 6,487.50 251.910
Grand Total 1478 161,800.11 6,739.41

*Included 3 Non Power facilities (Steam)

**1 Power converted power project with installed capacity of 165MW


Laws and Issuances

Republic Act No. 9513

Approved on December 16, 2008: An Act promoting the development, utilization and commercialization of renewable energy resources and for other purposes

Republic Act No. 9367

Approved on January 12, 2007: An act to direct the use of biofuels, establishing for this purpose the biofuel program, appropriating funds therefor, and for other purposes

Department Orders

Department Circulars