Power Situation Update 14 April 2019 (as of 6:45pm)

I. Grid Condition Issuances

The NGCP may issue the following Alert statuses for tomorrow (15 April 2019) in the Luzon Grid:

Yellow alert 10:01am to 1:00pm
Red alert 1:01 to 2:00pm
Yellow alert 2:01 to 5:00pm
Normal condition 5:01 to 6pm 
Yellow alert 6:01 to 9:00pm

A Yellow Alert status does not result to power interruptions.

However, depending on system conditions, the occurrence of power outages from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM is possible. 

II. Entry of Power Plants

South Luzon Thermal Energy Corp. (SLTEC) Unit 1 of Ayala is now running on full load. It was synchronized to the grid at 2:03 AM yesterday and achieved full load at 8:50 AM.

III. Forced Outages and Derated Plants

Masinloc Unit 1 of San Miguel is running on a derated capacity of 304 MW. 

Please refer to the table for the updated list of power plants that are derated and on forced outage. 

Unplanned/Forced Outage

Power Plant Installed Capacity (MW) Cause Date Out Estimated Date In

SMC Consolidated Power Corporation (SMCCPC)

Limay U2

150 Boiler tube leak 11-Apr-2019 16-Apr-2019*

TeaM Energy Corporation

Sual U1

647 Boiler Circulating piping leak 09-Apr-2019 18-Apr-2019*

Southwest Luzon Power Generation Corporation


150 Vibration in Primary Air Fan 07-Apr-2019 21-Apr-2019

Pagbilao Energy Corporation (PEC)

Pagbilao U3

420 Boiler slagging 02-Apr-2019 16-Apr-2019
Total 1,367      


De-rated/Reduced Capacity

Power Plant Installed Capacity (MW) Declared Capacity (MW) Derating/Reduced Capacity (MW) Cause

Masinloc Power Partners Co. Ltd. (MPPCL)

Masinloc U1

315 304 11 TBD

SEM-Calaca Power Corporation (SCPC) 

Calaca U2

300 200 100 Half condenser operation
Total     111  

Source: NGCP, concerned power plants

*Preliminary information

TBD- to be determined


IV. ILP and Energy Efficiency 

To avert the possibility of a power interruption during the Red Alert status from 1:01pm to 2:00pm, the energy family will implement the Interruptible Load Program (ILP). 

Consumers may participate in averting any power interruption by the using their electricity wisely and efficiently. “Energy efficiency” means the use of energy without waste, or “walang sayang”. 

* Any additional forced outage or de-ration of plants will worsen the situation, while more participation in the ILP or efficiency in the use of electricity by the consumers will help the situation. 

The DOE will continue to update the public on further developments. 
