PHOTO: E-Powering GSP

E-POWERING GSP: A ceremonial signing of the MOU on an educational partnership between the Department of Energy (DOE) led by Secretary Alfonso Cusi and the Girl Scouts of the Philippines (GSP) led by GSP National President Susan Locsin was held last Tuesday (30 January). The DOE and GSP sealed this partnership to conduct lectures on basic energy concepts to Girl Scouts nationwide. This forms part of the DOE's E-Power Mo program which seeks to empower energy consumers  to practice E-Safety Mo energy-saving me

(Taguig City). A ceremonial signing of the MOU on an educational partnership between the Department of Energy (DOE) led by Secretary Alfonso G. Cusi and the Girl Scouts of the Philippines (GSP) led by GSP National President Susan Locsin was held last Tuesday (30 January).

The DOE and GSP sealed this partnership to conduct lectures on basic energy concepts to Girl Scouts nationwide.

This forms part of the DOE's E-Power Mo program which seeks to empower energy consumers  to practice E-Safety Mo energy-saving measures at home as “Energy Cost-Busters.”

The MOU also provides the DOE and GSP a venue for cooperation and to encourage young girls to take up courses in science, technology and energy, and implement other activities that would promote energy conservation.