DOE-VFO Intensifies Enforcement Activities Against the Illegal Trading of Petroleum Products

CAPIZ PROVINCE - The Department of Energy-Visayas Field Office (DOE-VFO) dispatched an enforcement team in Capiz last week as part of intensified enforcement activities to combat the illegal trading of petroleum products or "bote-bote".

Energy Chief Alfonso G. Cusi reiterated, “The DOE is on top of the situation with the reported “bote bote” cases and we are ensuring the safety of the people by monitoring the quality and quantity of liquefied petroleum gas.”

The DOE-VFO enforcement team together with the local Philippine National Police units, raided six large retailers of liquid fuels in the municipalities of Dumarao, Ivisan, and Roxas City, which resulted to the confiscation of 16,346 liters of gasoline and 5,644 liters of diesel.

Criminal cases will be filed against the nine individuals who were caught selling liquid fuels without authority from the DOE, which is a violation of Batas Pambansa Bilang 33, “An Act Defining and Penalizing Certain Prohibited Acts Inimical to the Public Interest and National Security Involving Petroleum and/or Petroleum Products, Prescribing Penalties therefore and for other Purposes”.

Aside from “bote-bote”, the DOE-VFO is likewise strengthening its enforcement activities against the illegal refilling of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) into non-compliant containers (i.e. butane canisters). Several fires caused by these LPG-refilled butane canisters have been reported in a number of areas across the Visayas. 

The DOE is in constant coordination with the local PNP and the LGUs as part of regulatory operations in enforcing the safety standards of petroleum products. 
