OPTIMIZING POWER (RE)SOURCES: European Union - Access to Sustainable Energy Programme (EU-ASEP) experts, Mr. Paul Bertheau and Dr. Philipp Blechinger (center), pose for a photo with the members of the Department of Energy-Renewable Energy Management Bureau's Technical Services Management Bureau, EU-ASEP team and workshop participants, composed of New Private Power Providers, Distribution Utilities with embedded generation facilities and Qualified Third Parties.
TAGUIG CITY - The Department of Energy through its Renewable Energy Management Bureau’s Technical Services Management Division (TSMD) and the European Union – Access to Sustainable Energy Programme (EU-ASEP) conducted a training workshop on the Simplified Planning Tool (SPT) for off-grid electric power industry participants at the DOE-Audio Visual Room last Wednesday (27 March).
SPT is a Microsoft Excel-based software developed under the EU-ASEP, which estimates the optimal share of renewable energy (RE) resources (e.g. hydro, solar, and wind power). SPT utilization will enhance the cost-effectiveness of RE-diesel hybrid projects and help achieve the objectives of the Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS).
Led by TSMD Chief Gaspar Escobar Jr., the workshop is part of preparatory efforts to ensure the compliance of power generators and utilities in remote off-grid and small islands, currently powered by expensive fossil fuels, to the Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) Rules for Off-Grid Areas (Department Circular No. DC 2018-08-0024). Under these rules, power generators, distribution utilities, and qualified third parties with embedded generation facilities are mandated to tap RE as part of their supply portfolio in order to attain an optimal supply mix. This will result to lower both power costs and Universal Charges for Missionary Electrification, or UC-ME.
ASEP experts, Dr. Philipp Blechinger and Mr. Paul Bertheau from the Reiner Lemoine Institut in Berlin, were the key resource speakers for the activity.