DOE Gears Up for PCECP International Roadshows

TAGUIG CITY--The Department of Energy (DOE) will kick-off the first Philippine Conventional Energy Contracting Program (PCECP) International Road Show for 2019 at the Southeast Asian Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX) Exploration Conference and Farmout Forum in Singapore on 2-5 April.  These will be followed by road shows in the United States of America, Canada, Abu Dhabi, and Argentina. 

Energy Secretary Alfonso G. Cusi said, “For an energy-secure future, the DOE is committed to establish a strong ‘Explore, Explore, Explore’ program by harnessing indigenous energy resources. It is urgent that we intensify our exploration and development activities. We need to become energy self-sufficient so we are better protected from international price market volatilities.” 

The SEAPEX Exploration Conference is one of the largest gatherings for upstream oil and gas industry professionals and investors operating in the region.  

The DOE delegation to be headed by Assistant Secretary Leonido J. Pulido III will present at the plenary session of the Conference and conduct one-on-one meetings with various petroleum exploration companies. 

Under the PCECP guidelines, interested parties must comply with the legal, financial and technical requirements, which include the proposed work program for the selected contract area. All accepted applications shall be evaluated by the DOE Centralized Review and Evaluation Committee based on the criteria set by DOE Department Circular No. DC2017-12-0017, "Adopting the Philippine Conventional Energy Contracting Program of Awarding Petroleum Service Contracts and Creating the Review and Evaluation Committee".

At present, there are 23 active petroleum service contracts in the Philippines. The DOE’s operator-partners include Shell Philippines Exploration, Total E&P, Philippine National Oil Company - Exploration Corporation, Nido Petroleum, Philodrill, PXP Energy, Galoc Production Company, Forum Exploration, Gas2Grid, China International Mining Petroleum Company, Phinma Petroleum and Geothermal, Mindoro Palawan Oil & Gas, Palawan55 Exploration and Production Corporation, Polyard Petroleum International Company and Ratio Petroleum.
