DOE E-Power Mo Pushes Smart Energy Techs

E-POWER MO - Empowering Consumers Towards an Energy Smarter Power System: DOE Assistant Secretary Redentor Delola promotes efficient use of emerging "smart" energy technologies during the E-Power Mo Conference at Fontana Leisure Park Clark, Pampanga held Wednesday (29 November). E-Power Mo is part of the DOE's campaign to disseminate the government's key messages on energy to consumers which includes E-Safety Mo, E-Secure Mo and E-Diskarte Mo.

(Clark, Pampanga). The Department of Energy (DOE) emphasized on Wednesday (29 November) the need for the efficient utilization of energy as well as its conservation during the last leg of its E-Power Mo campaign for this year here.

Energy Secretary Alfonso G. Cusi, through Asec. Rendentor Delola, said that the DOE outlined strategic objectives anchored on security, affordability and sustainability of energy in the country.

“Efficiency and the customers’ power of choice could be effectively be realized through the use of ‘energy smart technologies,’" Delola stressed.

Smart energy technologies promote efficient energy use, reduced energy cost and “greener” energy options to households and energy sectors, he added.

The DOE official said that the use of these technologies are in line with the DOE’s E-Power Mo campaign which seeks to empower consumers to make better options in energy utilization.

Energy-smart technologies available in the market conform with best environment practices for industries, as well as ensure energy efficiency in government buildings.

“We are eyeing High Efficiency Motors (HEMs) to lower energy cost, lower the life cycle cost, bring higher profitability and lower greenhouse gas emissions,” said Asec. Delola.

Aside from HEMs, other smart energy technologies are efficient pumps, cutting-edge solar photovoltaic systems, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), efficient cooling systems, advanced energy monitoring and controlling technologies, and battery/energy storage products.

In a move to further promote greener technology options, the DOE is also pursuing the expansion of the usage of electric vehicles.

The DOE is already implementing the Government Energy Management Systems (GEMS).

“This program aims to reduce the government’s monthly energy consumptions by at least 10% from 2005 consumption levels,” Delola stated.

Around 500 participants attended the various and series of discussions during the E-Power Mo Energy Smart Utilization Forum and Stakeholders Conference. Attendees include a range of stakeholders from energy efficiency and conservation, local government, non-govenment organizations, consumer groups, power, renewable energy, oil and gas industry players, the academe and the media, among others.

“The DOE will continue to empower consumers and promote a ‘whole of nation’ approach in efficient energy utilization to enable the country globally compete,” Delola concluded.

