ENERSMART KIDS from Nemesio I. Yabut Elementary School together with the DOE-CWPO pose for a group photo
after the Energy Briefing under the Consumer Education Program for Students.
(Taguig City). Under Energy Secretary Alfonso G. Cusi’s directive of consumer-centric service, the Department of Energy-Consumer Welfare Promotion Office (DOE-CWPO) led by Helen B. Arias conducted another Energy Smart Kids – Consumer Education Campaign for the students of Nemesio I. Yabut Elementary School on 23 November at the DOE-Audio Visual Room in this City.
Cusi emphasized, "The Consumer Education Program shares information about energy efficiency and conservation to future leaders of this nation.”
“After all, if we aim for energy sustainability, we have to teach our youngsters first,” Cusi added.
As part of the campaign, various lectures and desk exercises were made to familiarize the students with energy-related terms.
In particular, Engr. Eduardo B. Fernando of the DOE-Electric Power Industry Management Bureau oriented the students on Basic Electricity Concepts, including discussions on the power supply chain involving generation, transmission and distribution of electricity to consumers.
DOE-CWPO Senior Staff Norita C. Froilan gave a lecture about Household Energy Saving Tips to help the students reduce their electricity consumption at home in fulfilling their pledge as “Energy-Cost Buster.”
At the conclusion of the event, 50 grades five (5) and six (6) students took an oath as “Energy-Cost Buster” by committing to turn off lights and appliances when not in use; conserve electricity, water and other resources and help in the preservation of the environment.