Inter-Agency Energy Efficiency and Conservation Committee (IAEECC)



The Inter-Agency Energy Efficiency and Conservation Committee (IAEECC) was created by virtue of Section 9 of Republic Act No. 11285 of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act. The IAEECC was formally organized with the issuance of Department Order No. DO2020-01-001 entitled “Organizing the Inter-Agency Energy Efficiency and Conservation Committee” on 9 January 2020.

The IAEECC is chaired by the Department of Energy (DOE) with representatives from other government agencies as committee members. The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Public Sector Management Division (EPSMD) of the Energy Utilization Management Bureau (EUMB) serves as the Committee Secretariat.


The IAEECC was created to evaluate and approve government energy efficiency projects, and to provide strategic direction in the implementation of the Government Energy Efficiency Program (GEMP). Under Section 10 of Republic Act No. 11285 of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act, the IAEECC shall have the following powers and functions:

(a) Prepare an annual assessment of opportunities for energy cost reduction in state-owned and leased buildings and facilities designated by the IAEECC: Provided, That each assessment shall be completed each year: Provided, further, That the assessment shall be made available to the public: Provided, finally, That the assessment shall include:

(1) Data for the preceding five (5) years on energy consumption and costs including anticipated energy consumption and cost projected for the next three (3) years for each state-owned and leased building and facility designated by the IAEECC;

(2) Energy conservation measures deployed in state-owned and leased buildings and facilities designated by the IAEECC during the preceding year;

(3) Evaluation studies of the cost reductions and other benefits realized through the deployment of energy conservation measures; and

(4) Energy conservation opportunities based on audits, technical analysis, or other methods of determining such opportunities and associated energy saving operations and maintenance procedures and capital projects for each state-owned and leased building or facility designated by the IAEECC;

(b) Review all proposed capital projects and energy cost operating budgets of agencies designated by the IAEECC and recommend energy conservation measures which would reduce operating costs in state-owned and leased buildings or facilities;

(c) Provide any officer or entity of government, technical and consultative assistance concerning energy cost management or conservation;

(d) Annually recommend specific operations and maintenance procedure modifications and capital projects for state-owned and leased buildings and facilities designed to reduce energy consumption and costs;

(e) Conduct surveys, audits, technical analysis, and other research or investigations related to government energy efficiency projects and the GEMP as may be necessary to support the preparation of the NEECP and the objectives of this Act;

(f) Issue a report describing the status of government energy efficiency projects and the GEMP, listing obstacles to building energy efficiency improvement together with related recommendations for statutory change, and identifying opportunities for public sector energy cost reductions not addressed by this Act or the programs developed pursuant hereto; and

(g) Develop, after study of existing or emerging energy conservation technologies, guidelines as may be necessary or desirable to aid the work of the IAEECC in furtherance of the objectives of this Act.


Secretary Raphael P.M. Lotilla
DOE, Chair
Secretary Amenah F. Pangandaman
Secretary Ralph G. Recto
Secretary Juanito Victor C. Remulla Jr.
Secretary Manuel M. Bonoan
Secretary Vivencio B. Dizon
Secretary Renato U. Solidum, Jr.
Secretary Ma. Cristina A. Roque
Secretary Arsenio M. Balisacan

IAEECC Secretariat

Under Section 9 of Republic Act No. 11285 or the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act, the EUMB will serve as the Secretariat of the IAEECC. It shall be composed of selected personnel of the EUMB and designated representatives of the concerned bureaus and offices. It shall have the following functions:

  1. Assist IAEECC Chairperson in determining the meeting schedule and agenda of the IAEECC
  2. Provide administrative support to the IAEECC
  3. Provide documents and reports, which contain, relevant, accurate, timely and clear information necessary for the IAEECC to fulfill its duties
  4. Prepare the minutes of the meeting, meeting agenda and meeting notes before scheduled meetings of the IAEECC
  5. Prepare reports for submission to oversight agencies, and annual work program for approval of the IAEECC
  6. Perform such other tasks and functions as may be delegated by the IAEECC Chairperson or the IAEECC

For IAEECC/GEMP concerns, please contact the Secretariat at:

    Direct Line: 88402243 / 88402289
    Trunk Line: 8479-2900 local 214 / 201
    Email: [email protected]


Department of Energy
Department of Budget and Management Department of Finance
Department of Finance Department of Public Works and Highways
Department of Transportation Department of Science and Technology
Department of Trade and Industry National Economic Development Authority


Under Section 4 of the Department Order No. DO2020-01-0001, the procedures of the IAEECC are as follows:

  1. IAEECC acts as collegial body and approval of its actions may be made by simple majority.
  2. IAEECC shall formulate and adopt its own internal Rules of Procedures.
  3. IAEECC may create sub-committees and technical working groups as may be necessary to fulfill its mandate.
  4. IAEECC Chairperson shall supervise the day-to-day operations of the IAEECC Secretariat including the necessary staffing complement and resources for its operations.
  5. IAEECC may include or invite other agencies to be part of the IAEECC as it may deem necessary through an approved IAEECC Resolution.

Regular meetings of the IAEECC may be held at least once every quarter at a date and time as agreed by the IAEECC members. The IAEECC Chairperson may call for special meetings as the need arises or upon request of any IAEECC member.


8 May 2020 Advisory – Enjoining All Concerned in the Government to Realize at least Ten Percent (10%) Cost Savings


IAEECC Resolution No. 1, 2020 – Directing All Government Agencies, including the Local Government Units (LGUs) and Foreign Service Posts, to Comply with the Government Energy Management Program (GEMP), Ordering the Department of Energy to Conduct Energy Audits and Spot Checks, and Submit Proposed Improvements to the GEMP


Under Section 4 (t) of Republic Act No. 11285 or the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act states that the Government Energy Management Program (GEMP) refers to the government-wide program to reduce the government’s monthly consumption of electricity and petroleum products through electricity efficiency and conservation, and efficiency and conservation in fuel use of government vehicles, among others.