DOE Brings ENEReady to Senior High Students in Bataan

eneready for future

ENEReady FOR THE FUTURE: 100 students from St. Francis National High School in Bataan participated in the DOE-CWPO’s ENEReady campaign held on 29 August 2019. 

LIMAY, BATAAN – The Department of Energy’s Consumer Welfare Promotion Office (DOE-CWPO) conducted the “ENEREADY: An Information, Education and Motivation (IEM) Campaign on Breaking Gender Stereotypes in the Energy Workforce” for Senior High School students of the St. Francis National High School on August 29 at the Multipurpose Hall of Bo. Luz.

“We want our energy workforce to grow. There is an inaccurate perception that only men belong in the energy industry, and we would like to correct that by educating our students that gender doesn’t determine one’s career path and development,” Energy Secretary Alfonso G. Cusi said. 

Engr. John Michael Basalo of Peninsula Electric Cooperative, Inc. (PENELCO); Ms. Kristine Lorraine Somintac, a geologist; and Engr. Milo Lilang of the DOE, were among the technical experts who imparted their experiences as energy professionals. They also talked to the student participants about possible career options and job opportunities in the energy sector to guide them in deciding which college course track to take.

The school’s principal, Mr. Carlito Pontillas, expressed his appreciation to the DOE for holding the ENEReady activity, which will go a long way in helping their students plan for their future.  

In line with Secretary Cusi’s vision to break gender stereotyping in the energy sector, Assistant Secretary Caron Aicitel E. Lascano, Chairperson of the DOE-Gender and Development Focal Point System, has called for the intensification of the ENEReady campaign to further promote gender balance and development in the industry. 
