Joint Administrative Order No. 01, s. 2016

Creating the Technical Working Group (TWG) on the Use of AutoLPG as Fuel for Public Transport and for Other Related Purposes

WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (DOE) is mandated under RA 7638 as amended, (Department of Energy Act of 1992) to prepare, integrate, coordinate, supervise and control all plans relative to energy exploration, utilization, distribution, and conservation, among others;

WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY - ENERGY UTILIZATION MANAGEMENT BUREAU (DOE-EUMB) is implementing the AutoLPG program (AutoLPG) to promote the use of LPG in vehicles and other related applications as clean alternative technology and, at the same time, ensure energy security through diversification of fuel for the transport sector;

WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY through EUMB-ALTERNATIVE FUELS AND ENERGY TECHNOLOGY DIVISION (AFETD), acts as the interim AutoLPG Technical Working Group (TWG) Secretariat which will provide administrative support to the TWG;

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