Executive Order

Executive Order No. 605
Institutionalizing the Structure, Mechanisms and Standards to Implement the Government Quality Management Program Amending for the Purpose Administrative Order No. 161 S. 2006


WHEREAS, Administrative Order (AO) No. 161 "Institutionalizing Quality Management Systems in Government" was issued on 5 October 2006 as one of the National Competitiveness Summit (NCS) Action Agenda to effect actual improvements in public governance in recognition of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000 series which ensures consistency of products and services through quality processes;

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Executive Order No. 604
Creating the Presidential Coordinating Council on Research and Development


WHEREAS, technology is the foundation of future economic development.
NOW, THEREOF, I, GLORIA M. ARROYO, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order:

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Executive Order No. 596
Defining and Including "Government Instrumentality Vested with Corporate Powers" or "Government Corporate Entities" under the Jurisdiction of the Office of the Government Corporate Counsel (OGCC) as Principal Law Office


WHEREAS, the Office of the Government Corporate Counsel (OGCC), as the principal law office of all Government-Owned or Controlled Corporations (GOCCs), including their subsidiaries, other corporate offsprings and government acquired assets corporations, plays a very significant role in safeguarding the legal interests and providing the legal requirements of all GOCCs;

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Executive Order No. 578
Establishing the National Policy on Biological Diversity, Prescribing its Implementation throughout the Country, Particularly in the Sulu Sulawesi Marine Ecosystem and the Verde Island Passage Marine Corridor


WHEREAS, biological diversity, also referred to as biodiversity, is essential to sustain all life and is a foundation of a sound environment that is necessary for human well-being and sustainable development;

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Executive Order No. 564
Restructuring the Infrastructure Monitoring System


WHEREAS, Executive Order 376 s. 1989 signed by former President Corazon C. Aquino, as amended by EO 93 s 1993 signed by President Fidel V. Ramos, established the Regional Project Monitoring and Evaluation System (RPMES) to expedite project implementation.

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Executive Order No. 559
Creating the Metro Iloilo-Guimaras Economic Development Council (MIGEDC)


WHEREAS, Section 14, Article X of the Philippine Constitution provides that "the President shall provide for regional development councils or other similar bodies composed of local government officials, regional heads of departments, and other government offices, and representatives from non-governmental organizations within the regions for purposes of administrative decentralization to strenghten the autonomy of the units therein and to accelerate the economic and social growth and development of the units in the regon".


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Executive Order No. 531-A
Amending Order No. 531, Series of 2006, to Further Strengthen the Presidential Anti-Graft Commission


WHEREAS, relative to the heightened campaign of the government against graft and corruption, there is a need to further strengthen the Presidential Anti-Graft Commission with regard to the recommendations based on the findings of its investigations;

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Executive Order No. 473
Tasking The Department Of Energy (DOE) to Pursue the Immediate Exploration, Development and Production of Crude Oil from the Camago-Malampaya Reservoir


WHEREAS, Article XII, Section 2 of the Constitution declares that all minerals, petroleum and other mineral oils, and other natural resources are owned by the State, and that the exploration, development, and utilization of these resources shall be under the full control and supervision of the State

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