Executive Order
Executive Order No. 28 s. 2017 Providing for the Regulation and Control of the Use of Firecrackers and Other Pyrotechnic Devices WHEREAS, it is a Filipino tradition to use firecrackers and other pyrotechnic devices to celebrate events of personal, religious, cultural and national importance.
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Executive Order No. 05, s. 2016 Approving and Adopting the Twenty-Five-Year Long Term Vision Entitled Ambisyon Natin 2040 as Guide for Development Planning
WHEREAS, the 1987 Philippine Constitution mandates the independent economic and planning agency of the government to implement continuing, integrated and coordinated programs and policies for national development after consultations with the appropriate public agencies, various private sectors, and local government units; WHEREAS, Executive Order No. 292 (s.1987) or the Administrative Code of 1987 requires the State to ensure that all socio-economic programs and activities of the government shall be programmed within the context of well-formulated and consistent long, medium, and short-term development plans and policies to promote both the growth of the econom and the equitable distribution of the benefits of such growth to the members of society; WHEREAS, pursuant to EO No. 292, the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) shall serve as the independent planning agency of the government and shall primarily be responsible for formulating continuing, coordinated and fully integrated social and economic policies, plans and programs; ![]() |
Executive Order No. 126 Lifting the Ban on Mining Operations in Northern Palawan, the Calamian Group of Islands and the areas around Malampaya Sound
WHEREAS, on March 22, 1976, a Presidential Dire ctive was issued banning mining operations within Northern Palawan, the Calamian Grou p of Islands and the areas around Malampaya Sound in view of the oil exploration activities being conducted thereat; cdtai WHEREAS, by virtue of said Presidential Direct ive, registration of declarations of location covering said areas were suspended and processing of lease applications affecting registered declarations of location were held in abeyance; WHEREAS, in a memorandum dated August, 17, 1983, the Director of Mines and Geosciences Bureau recommended to the President of the Philippines that applications for mining lease and other permits covering silica resources in Northern Palawan which were filed and existing prior to the issuance of Presidential Directive of Marc h 22, 1976 be given due course since extensive exploration and geological surveys conducted in sa id areas indicated that oil bearing zones are confined only to offshore areas and that the land areas are geologically considered non- prospective for oil; WHEREAS, said recommendati on was approved by the Presid ent of the Philippines per memorandum dated November 15, 1983; WHEREAS, Letter of Instructions No. 1508 addresse d to the Minister of Natural Resources and Director of Mines and Geosciences, dated Janua ry 15, 1986, was issued lifting the ban on silica sand mining for small-scale mining purposes in Northern Palawan, including the Calamian Group of Islands and the areas around Malampaya Sound; WHEREAS, said areas were open only to mi ning location, explor ation, development and exploitation within the purview of P.D. No. 1899 to accelerate the national economic recovery program through conservation of foreign exchange reserves, increase in foreign exchange earnings through the exploitation of non-traditional mineral, and to improve the economic well being of Northern Palawan through the concept of self-employment and to give full meaning to the intents of P.D. No. 1899, otherwise known as the "Small-Scale Mining Decree of 1984," giving opportunities even to the poor sectors of the society to participate in the development and exploitation of nation's mineral resources; cd WHEREAS, on September 29, 1987, DENR Secretar y Fulgencio S. Factoran, Jr., thru the recommendation of Undersecretary Celso R. Roque, directed the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) and the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) to prepare an Environment Impact Assessment (EIA), whereby the results of this study w ill serve as the basis for the guidelines of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) for lifting the ban on mining operations in Northern Palawan, the Calamian Group of Islands and the areas around Malampaya Sound; WHEREAS, EIA revealed that the ban on mining operations in said ar eas may be lifted in specific areas provided that the mining proponents sha ll obtain Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) and Environmental Compliance Certificates for exploration, development and utilization of minerals from the concerned government agency; WHEREAS, the lifting of the ban is in line with the government's object ives to encourage the exploitation of the nation's mineral resources and to generate employment; NOW, THEREFORE, I, FIDEL V. RA MOS, President of the Philippi nes, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby or der the lifting of the ban on mining operations within Northern Palawan, the Calamian Grou p of Islands and the areas around Malampaya Sound and open the same to mineral exploratio n, development and utilization of all minerals found therein within the purview of P.D. No. 1899 as well as under Executive Order No. 279, otherwise known as the "Mineral Production Sh aring Agreement," except those established and proposed parks and reservation in aforesaid areas, such as:
All issuance, rules and regulations or any part ther eof which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Executive Order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. cda IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my han d and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed. DONE in the City of Manila, this 15th of September, nineteen hundred and ninety-three. |
Executive Order No. 254 Creating the Philippine Gas Project Task force
WHEREAS, it is the policy of the State to ens ure a continuous, adequate and economic supply of energy; WHEREAS, natural gas deposits of at least 2. 5 trillion cubic feet discovered in offshore Malampaya/Camago by Service Contractors under Service Contract No. 38 (Shell Exploration B. V. and Occidental Philippines, Inc.) potentially repr esent the country's largest indigenous source of fossil fuel; WHEREAS, the Government is committed to pur sue the development and utilization of the Malampaya/Camago gas reserves for power generat ion through a Philippine Gas Project with the end in view of providing a long-term market for the gas, which potential resource level is projected to supply 400 million standard cubic feet of gas per day equivalent to 3,000 megawatts of baseload generating capacity; WHEREAS, the Philippine Gas Project (PGP) sh all involve operations consisting of the development of the Malampaya/Camago gas fiel d, and the development and constitution of offshore production pipeline systems from the o ffshore production area to onshore gas-fired power plants and other target markets; WHEREAS, the critical nature of the PGP nece ssitates the creation of an ad hoc, multi-agency body that will ensure a unified and coordinated e ffort towards achieving the goals of the PGP; NOW, THEREFORE, I, FIDEL V. RA MOS, President of the Philippi nes, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order the crea tion of the Philippine Gas Project Task Force, hereinafter referred to as the Gas Task Force: SECTION 1. Composition. — The Gas Task Force shall be composed of the Secretary of Energy, as Chairman, and as members, the heads of the following agencies or their duly designated alternates with the rank of Undersecretary or its equivalent rank: cdasia
The Gas Task Force may create such inter-agency subcommittees as may be necessary to fulfill its mandate. The Gas Task Force may also call upon any department, agency or instrumentality of the Government for assistance. It shall also have the authority to hire the services of technical consultants of proven and internationally recognized expertise in natural gas technology as may be deemed necessary. The Department of Energy (DOE) shall provide the technical, administrative and secretariat support to the Gas Task Force. SECTION 2. Powers and Functions. — The Gas Task Force shall:
SECTION 3. Funds. — The funding requirements to carry out mandate of the Gas Task Force shall be chargeable against the savings from the app ropriations of the DOE for the first year of implementation of this Order. Funds for succeedi ng years shall be chargeable against the regular appropriations of the DOE. cd SECTION 4. Effectivity. — This orde rs shall take effect immediately. Done in the City of Manila this 30th day of June in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and ninety five. |
Executive Order No. 98 Promulgating the Ninth Regular Foreign Investment Negative List WHEREAS, Republic Act (RA) No. 7042, also known as the "Foreign Investment Act of 1991," as amended by RA 8179, provides for the formulation of a Regular Foreign Investment Negative List, covering investment areas/activities which may be opened to foreign investors and/or reserved to Filipino nationals; ![]() |
Executive Order No. 97 Revoking Executive Order No. 523 (S. 2006) and Conferring upon the Office for Alternative Dispute Resolution the Management, Development, Coordination, and Oversight of Alternative Dispute Resolution Programs
WHEREAS, Section 16, Article III of the Constitution guarantees the right of all persons to a speedy disposition of their cases before all judicial, quasi-judicial or administrative bodies; ![]() |
Executive Order No. 77 Amending Executive Order (EO) No. 637 (S. 2007), on the Basis of the Computation of the Incentives of Personnel Affected by the Implementation of the Rationalization Program under EO No. 366 (S. 2004)
WHEREAS, Executive Order (EO) No. 366 (s. 2004) calls for a Rationalization Program (RP) to transform the Executive Branch into a more effective and efficient government by removing redundancies, overlaps and duplication, focusing its efforts on vital functions, and channeling resources to core public services; ![]() |
Executive Order No. 66 Prescribing Rules on the Cancellation or Suspension of Classes and Work in Government Offices due to Typhoons, Flooding, other Weather Disturbances, and Calamities
WHEREAS, it is a declared policy of the State to uphold the people's constitutional rights to life, health, safety and property and to promote the general welfare of its people at all times, especially during disasters and calamities; ![]() |