Department Order

Department Order Description
Department Order No. DO2021-04-0005 Amendment to Department Order No. DO2020-11-0012 on Addendum to DO2020-04-0006 on Prescribing the Guidelines on the Conversion of Current Postpaid/Prepaid Mobile Telephone Subscription to Cellular Phone Allowance for the Officials and Personnel of the DOE and Repealing for this Purpose DO2017-12-0018
Department Order No. DO2021-03-0004 Reconstituting the Department of Energy (DOE) Disposal Committee
Department Order No. DO2021-03-0004 Designating the Members of the Department of Energy (DOE) Disposal Committee
Department Order No. DO2021-03-0003 Constitution of the DOE Steering Committee and Sub-Committees for Purposes of Republic Act No. 8439
Department Order No. DO2021-01-0002 Revised Merit Selection Plan
Department Order No. DO2021-01-0001 Supplemental Guidelines in the Implementation of the Department of Energy Alternative Work Scheme
Department Order No. DO2020-12-0015 Reconstitution of the Department of Energy (DOE) Gender and Development-Focal Point System (GAD-FPS)
Department Order No. DO2020-12-0014 Designating the Members of the National Government Technical Working Group on the Privatization of the Agus-Pulangi Hydropower Complex and Other Power Related Issues in the Bangsamoro Region
Department Order No. DO2020-11-0013 Creation of Department of Energy - Budget and Treasury Management System (DOE-BTMS) Project Implementation Team
Department Order No. DO2020-11-0012 Addendum to Department Order No. DO2020-04-0006 on Prescribing the Guidelines on the Conversion of Current Postpaid/Prepaid Mobile Telephone Subscription to Cellular Phone Allowance for the Officials and Personnel of the Department of Energy and Repealing for this Purpose Department Order No. DO2017-12-0018
