Department Order

Department Order Description
Department Order No. DO2014-02-0005 Creating a Project Steering Committee and a Project Management Unit in the Department of Energy for the Implementation of the "Market Transformation through Introduction of the Energy-Efficient Electric Vehicles Proje
Department Order No. DO2014-02-0004 Amending Department Order No. DO2013-08-0012 on Identifying Focal Persons to International Commitments
Department Order No. DO2014-02-0003 Establishing an Energy Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) for the Philippine Hosting of the 12th APEC Energy Ministers' Meeting (EMM) and Senior Officials' Meeting (ESOM) and other Associated Meetings
Department Order No. DO2014-01-0001 Creating a Technical Working Group to Assist the Philippine Electricity Market Auditor Under the Philippine Electricity Market Corporation in the Conduct of 2nd Metering Arrangements Review
Department Order No. DO2013-12-0023 Further Amending Department Order No. DO2013-12-0020 and Department Order No. DO2013-12-0021
Department Order No. DO2013-12-0021 Guidelines Governing the Evaluation and Monitoring on the Implementation of the Service and Operating Contracts between the Department of Energy and Renewable Energy (RE) Developers, and for other Purposes
Department Order No. DO2013-12-0020 Strengthening the Renewable Energy-Review and Evaluation Committee (Formerly Re-Contracts Review Committee), and for other Purposes
Department Order No. DO2013-12-0019 Strengthening the Management and Operations of the Affiliated Renewable Energy Centers (ARECS) in the Philippines
Department Order No. DO2013-10-0018 Adopting the Revised Evaluation Process Flow and Timelines of Renewable Energy Service Contracts (RESC) and Mandating the Adoption of the Milestone Approach
Department Order No. DO2013-10-0017 Reconstituting the Department of Energy Task Force on Fees and Charges
