Department Order No. DO2016-06-0010

Prescribing the Revised Guidelines for the Processing of Applications, Amendments and Termination of Renewable Energy Service / Operating Contracts

WHEREAS, Republic Act No. (RA) 7638, as amended or the "Department of Energy Act of 1992" mandates the Department of Energy (DOE) to prepare, integrate, coordinate, Supervise and Control all plans, programs, projects and activities of the Government relative to energy exploration, development, utilization, distribution and conservation, among others;

WHEREAS, RA 9513 or the "Renewable Energy Act of 2008 (RE Act)" provides the policy of the State to encourage and accelerate the exploration, development and increase the Utilization of Renewable Energy (RE) resources such as, but not limited to, biomass. solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and ocean energy resources, and including hybrid systems;

WHEREAS, Department Circular No. 2009-05-0008 prescribes the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of RE Act, as well as mandates the DOE, among others, to develop the necessary regulatory framework for the RE Industry;

WHEREAS, Department Circular No. DC2009-07-0011 establishes a Review Committee to evaluate the RE Proposals and Applications of RE Applicants and provide recommendations to the DOE Secretary for the award of RE Service/Operating Contracts (RE Contracts);

WHEREAS, the DOE continues to commit towards greater transparency and provision of competitive system of awarding RE Contracts; and

WHEREAS, Department Circular No. DC2016-02-0001 provides for the reconstitution of the RE-Review and Evaluation Committee (RE-REC) and providing for its functions duties and responsibilities to enhance the processing of RE Contracts.

Now, THEREFORE, premises considered, the DOE hereby issues the revised guidelines for the processing of RE Applications for RE Contracts, including amendments and termination thereof.

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