Department Circular

Interim Guidelines for the Accreditation of Oil Industry Participants in the Fuel BIOETHANOL Program

WHEREAS, under Section 2(a) of Republic Act No. 7638, otherwise known as the "Department of Energy Act of 1992" (the "Act"), it is declared the policy of the State to develop the country's indigenous energy resources taking into consideration the active participation of the private sector in the various areas of energy resouce development.

Adopting Further Amendments to the WESM Rules

Whereas, Rule 8.6.1 of the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Rules provide for the approval by the Department of Energy (DOE) of proposals for any changes in the WESM rules upon the endorsement by the Board of Directors of the Philippine Electricity Market Corporation (PEM Board);

Designating the National Power Corporation And The Power Sector Assets And Liabilities Management Corporation As The Default Wholesale Suppliers For The Philippine Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM)

Whereas, the Department of Energy (the "DOE") is mandated under Section 30 of Republic Act No. 9136, otherwise known as the "Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001" or "EPIRA", to establish the Wholesale Electricity Sport Market (the "WESM") that would facilitate a transparent, competitive and reliable market for electricity.

Declaring The Launching Of The Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) In The Luzon Grid And The Terms And Conditions For The Commencement Of The Full Commercial Operations Of The WESM

Whereas, the Department of Energy (the "DOE") is mandated under Section 30 of Republic Act No. 9136, otherwise known as the "Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001" or "EPIRA", to establish the Wholesale Energy Spot Market (the "WESM") that would facilitate a transparent, competitive and reliable market for electricity.

Guidelines Implementing The Modification Of Import Duty Rates On Crude Oil And Refined Petroleum Products As Provided Under Executive Order No. 527

Pursuant to Section 3 of Executive Order (E.O.) No. 527 issued by the President of the Republic of the Philippines on May 12, 2006, the Department of Energy (DOE), in coordination with the Department of Finance (DOF), Bureau of Customs (BOC), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), and the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), hereby adopts the following... Read More

Adopting Further Amendments to the WESM Rules

Whereas, Rule 8.6.1 of the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) Rules provide for the approval by the Department of Energy (DOE) of proposals for any WESM rules changes upon endorsement by the PEM Board;

Implementing the Philippine National Standard Specifications for Unleaded Motor Gasoline (PNS/DOE QS 001:2005)

WHEREAS, Republic Act (R.A.) No. 8479 otherwise known as the "Downstream Oil Industry Deregulation Act of 1998", provides for the deregulation of the downstream oil industry to foster a truly competitive market which can better achieve the social policy objectives of fair prices, adequate and continuous supply of environmentally-clean and high quality petroleum products, e.g... Read More

Adopting Department Circular No. DC 2004-04-04 Entitled "Guidelines on the Issuance of Certificate of Accreditation and Certificate of Authority to Import under the Natural Gas Vehicle Program for Public Transport as the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Executive Order Nos. 396 and 488 dated December 31, 2004 and January 12, 2006, respectively,and Department Circular DC No. 2005-07-006 dated July 5, 2005 and amending certain Provisions of the said DC No. 2004-04-004

WHEREAS, Executive Order (E.O.) No. 66, series of 2002 entitled "Designating the Department of Energy (DOE) as the Lead Agency in Developing the Philippine Natural Gas Industry", mandates the DOE to ensure a unified and coordinated effort towards establishing a successful and robust natural gas industry;

Amending Department Circular No. 2003-04-004 Creating the Expanded Rural Electrification Program Team

WHEREAS, the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 or "EPIRA", enacted in June 2001 declared as policy of the State the total electrification of the country and at the same allowed the participation of the private sector in missionary electrification;

On The Mandate And Responsibility Of The Department Of Energy Over Wholesale Electricity Spot Market & The Authority Of The Phil. Electricity Market Corp.

Whereas, under Section 30 of RA No. 9136 (otherwise known as the "ELectric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001" or "EPIRA"), the Department of Energy ("DOE") is mandated to establish the wholesale electricity spot market ("WESM") composed of the wholesale electricity spot market participants.
