WHEREAS, Section 2 of Republic Act No. 7638 or the "Department of Energy (DOE) Act of 1992" states that it is the policy of the State to ensure a continuous, adequate, reliable, and economic supply of energy through, among others, judicious conservation, renewal, and efficient utilization of energy, to keep pace with the country's growth and economic development;
Date Signed: 09 September 2020
Date Published: 24 September 2020
Published at: Business World, Daily Tribune and The Philippine Star
Date of Effectivity: 09 October 2020
Personal submission of applications can be submitted to the DOE Records Management Division at the Department of Energy, Energy Ceter, Rizal Drive, BGC, Tagiug City.
Online applications are also accepted. Kindly send all required documents to: [email protected] copy furnish [email protected]