What's New

Published on Friday, 5 June 2015

Executive Summary

The 2010 – 2019 Distribution Development Plan (DDP) update is the 7th publication since the passage of the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 (EPIRA). In the planning period 2010-2019, the Distribution Utilities (DUs) expect an increase in peak demand of 4,258 MW from 8,856 MW in 2009 to 13,113 MW in 2019, representing an average growth of 4.0% annually. Luzon is projected to have a 3.9% annual average growth rate in peak demand, from 7,057 MW in 2010 to 9,553 MW in 2019. Visayas and Mindanao will have a higher growth rate at 4.5% and 4.4% respectively from 1,204 MW in 2010 to 1,737 MW in 2019 for Visayas, and from 1,250 MW in 2010 to 1,823 MW in 2019 for Mindanao.

In terms of aggregated energy requirements of DUs in Luzon, it is projected to grow at an annual average growth rate of 4.0%, equivalent to 16,023 GWh, over the ten-year planning period, from 40,504 GWh in 2010 to 56,527 GWh in 2019. Visayas DUs is seen to register an annual average growth rate of 4.7% or 3,132 GWh, from 6,354 GWh in 2010 to 9,486 GWh in 2019, Mindanao DUs will register a 4.4% annual average growth rate or 3,114 GWh, from 7,019 GWh in 2010 to 10,133 GWh in 2019.

Likewise, the DUs are projecting a substantial increase in the number of customers by 2019:Luzon at 12.122 million; Visayas at 3.593 million; and Mindanao at 3.267 million. These translate to an annual average growth rate of 3.01% in Luzon, 4.09% in Visayas, and 4.02% in Mindanao energy sales, respectively. Increase of number of DU’s customer is particular to the increase by 5,001,088 residential customers of the expected 5,362,752 DU customers over the planning period. Overall, from total of 13,619,247 customers in 2009, DUs are projecting a total of 18,979,999 customers by 2019.

To meet the projected increase in energy requirements over the planning horizon, an estimated 26,565 ckt-km of lines are programmed for rehabilitation and/or upgrading, 17,630 ckt-km of lines are for construction, and an additional 5,232 MVA substation capacity will be constructed. These will have corresponding investment requirements amounting to PhP 68.1 billion, broken down into: PhP 18.4 billion for electrification projects, PhP 17.2 billion for construction new lines, PhP 11.1 billion for additional substation capacity, and PhP 21.3 billion for rehabilitation of distribution lines.


View complete PDF file: Distribution Development Plan 2010–2019


Published on Friday, 5 June 2015


The 2012-2016 Missionary Electrification Development Plan (2012 MEDP) is an outline of the Government’s plans to improve the conditions prevailing in missionary areas. The 2012 MEDP focuses specific plans and projects for the next five years.

With funding support from the World Bank (WB) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through the Philippine Rural Power Project, Trust Fund No. TF 52188, the Department of Energy (DOE) engaged Innovation Energie Développement (IED) to review the missionary electrification framework and its current status and thereafter initiate the preparation of the 2012 MEDP for the DOE. We thank IED for producing a report depicting a clear status of missionary electrification in the country, and WB and GEF for the Technical Assistance provided to further enhance and remove the barriers of renewable energy development in missionary areas. Data and insights presented by IED were discussed and studied by DOE in determining what needs to be done.

The 2012 MEDP is intended to serve as the blueprint on which missionary electrification policy actions in the next five years will be based, and will evolve as necessitated by circumstances. The intended audiences of this document are industry participants in Small Islands and Isolated Grids (SIIGs), specifically the National Power Corporation - Small Power Utilities Group (NPC-SPUG), potential New Power Providers (NPPs) and Qualified Third Parties (QTPs), Distribution Utilities (DUs), the National Electrification Administration (NEA), and the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC).


 View complete PDF file: 2012-2016 Missionary Electrification Development Plan


Published on Friday, 5 June 2015

Published on Friday, 5 June 2015

Philippine Grid Net 2005-2011 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

Grid Connected Power Plant
Net Electricity Generation


Published on Friday, 5 June 2015

Tables below  shows the computed grid emission factor derived using the 2009-2011 power statistics.

Table 1. Summary of the CDM Baseline Construction for Luzon-Visayas Grid *

Operating Margin Emission Factor 0.6032
Build Margin Emission Factor 0.4044

a. Weighted average CM

  WOM WBM Combined Margin Emission Factor
Wind and solar power generation project activities for the first crediting period and for subsequent crediting periods 0.75 0.25 0.5535
All other projects for the first crediting period 0.5 0.5 0.5038
All other projects for the second and third crediting period 0.25 0.75 0.4541
Alternative weights     0

b. Simplified CM

  WOM WBM Combined Margin Emission Factor
•The project activity is located in a Least Developed Country (LDC) or in a country with less than 10 registered CDM projects at the starting date of validation; and 1 0 0.6032
• The data requirements for the application of step 5 above cannot be met.      

Table 2. Summary of the CDM Baseline Construction for Mindanao Grid*

Operating Margin Emission Factor 0.2864
Build Margin Emission Factor



a. Weighed average CM

  WOM WBM Combined Margin Emission Factor
 Wind and solar power generation project activities for the first crediting period and for subsequent crediting periods 0.75 0.25 0.3912
All other projects for the first crediting period 0.5 0.5 0.496
All other projects for the second and third crediting period 0.25 0.75 0.6008
Alternative weights     0

b. Simplified CM

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  WOM WBM Combined Margin Emission Factor
•The project activity is located in a Least Developed Country (LDC) or in a country with less than 10 registered CDM projects at the starting date of validation; and
