2022 Power Situation Report


Peak Demand

In 2022, the Philippines' total non-coincidental peak demand1 reached 16,596 MW, which is 560 MW or 3.5% higher than the peak demand in 2021. Taking off from the height of the pandemic in 2020, this increase in demand is attributed to the ease of Government restrictions in the whole country and the gradual return to normalcy of economic activities that allows the recovery of the economy. The lifting of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions paved the way for the recovery of different businesses and services in the country. This recovery also required a higher demand for electricity which caused the gradual increase of the total energy consumption in the country in the previous two years. Additionally, the travel restrictions set by different Local Government Units were relaxed resulting in demand growth in 2021 and 2022. Figure 1 shows the comparison between the recorded peak demand in 2022 and 2021 for the Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao grids. Among these three, Luzon had the highest increase in peak demand of 537 MW in 2021 and 473 MW in 2022 as Metro Manila, the country's center for economic activity, recovered from the effects of pandemic.

1 Total non-coincidental peak demand of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao grids
Coincidental peak demand is defined as the peaking of each grid’s demand at the same day/time, while the Non-coincidental peak demand is the peaking of each grid in a separate day/time.



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