2015-2017 National Grid Emission Factor (NGEF)

Tables below shows the computed grid emission factor derived using the 2015-2017 power statistics.

Table 1. Summary of the NEG for Luzon-Visayas Grid

a. Simple Operating Margin (OM) Emission Factor

 Parameters (t-CO₂/MWh)
2015-2017 Average EFgrid, OMsimple,y 0.7122

b. Build Margin (BM) Emission Factor

 Parameters (t-CO₂/MWh)
BM Emission Factor 0.5979

c. Combined Margin (CM) Emission Factor

 Parameters (t-CO₂/MWh)
2015-2017 EFgrid, CM,y (Wind and solar) 0.6836
2015-2017 EFgrid, CM,y (Other projects) 0.5979


Table 2. Summary of the CDM Baseline Construction for Mindanao Grid


a. Simple Operating Margin (OM) Emission Factor

 Parameters (t-CO₂/MWh)
2015-2017 Average EFgrid, OMsimple,y 0.7797

b. Build Margin (BM) Emission Factor

 Parameters (t-CO₂/MWh)
BM Emission Factor 0.8045

c. Combined Margin (CM) Emission Factor

 Parameters (t-CO₂/MWh)
2015-2017 EFgrid, CM,y (Wind and solar) 0.7859
2015-2017 EFgrid, CM,y (Other projects) 0.7921