Oil Industry Management Bureau (OIMB) Year-End Comprehensive Report FY 2018


The passage of R.A. 8479 otherwise known as the “Downstream Oil Industry Deregulation Act of 1998” liberated and deregulated the country’s downstream oil industry to ensure a truly competitive market and an adequate and continuous supply of environmentally-clean and high-quality petroleum products. To attain the goals, the government continue to encourage the entry of new investors in the downstream oil industry.

Pursuant to RA 8479, the Department of Energy through the Oil Industry Management Bureau (DOE-OIMB) is mandated to monitor the refining, manufacturing and marketing processes of petroleum products to ensure that clean and safe technologies are applied. Various downstream oil activities being monitored by DOE-OIMB together with DOE Field Offices (FO’s) are the following.

  • Refining – crude oil processing, production, and/or improvement in the quality of petroleum products in conformance with the Philippine National Standards (PNS), the Clean Air Act, and other applicable laws and regulation.
  • Fuel Bulk Marketing – the activities involve is the selling of petroleum products in wholesale through tank trucks, lorries, tankers, barges or pipelines, which may be imported or locally purchased.
  • Petroleum Transport/Hauling Services – transfer of petroleum products through tankers, barges, tank trucks, lorries, pipelines from one supply point to another or to end users.
  • LPG Refilling and Marketing – activities of storage, refilling, distribution, and marketing of LPG.
  • Retailing – selling of petroleum products in retail, generally directed to end users, through dispensing pumps in gasoline stations for the liquid fuels and auto-LPG and metal cylinders for LPG. This includes the establishment and operation of gasoline stations and LPG outlets.
  • Terminalling - refers to the activity of leasing storage tanks to other industry players for a fee.
  • Bunkering – refers to the activity of selling fuels for direct use by a marine vessel and delivered by a barge or smaller transport vessel.

Twenty-Two (22) years after the implementation of RA 8479, the downstream oil industry experienced a steady growth. New industry players entered into various downstream oil business such as marketing, distribution and storage of petroleum products. Table 1 Shows the Number of Players Engage in various downstream activity and their investments.

Click to view/download FY2018 OIMB Year-End Comprehensive Report