Oil Industry Management Bureau Citizen's Charter

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Oil Industry Management Bureau (OIMB)
(External/Internal Services)

2021 Citizen's Charter 2023 Citizen's Charter
1. Issuance of Acknowledgement for NOTICE TO DENATURE IMPORTED BIOETHANOL 3 Working Days 3 Working Days Existing Process
2. Issuance of the Acknowledgement to IMPORT LNG ANDOR SUPPLY AND TRANSPORT OF NATURAL GAS 7 Working Days 7 Working Days Existing Process
3. Accreditation to Import, Supply and Transport LNG 7 Working Days 7 Working Days Existing Process
4. Issuance of Acknowledgement Letter of Notice to Engage in the Downstream Oil Industry Business-HS 7 Working Days 7 Working Days Existing Process
5. Issuance of Acknowledgement for the NOTICE TO ENGAGE in the Downstream Oil Industry – LIQUID PETROLEUM PRODUCTS 7 Working Days 7 Working Days Existing Process
6. Issuance of Certificate of Accreditation as a DOI Biofuel Participant 7 Working Days 7 Working Days Existing Process
7. Issuance of Acknowledgement to Notice to Purchase Locally-Sourced Bioethanol or Biodiesel 7 Working Days 7 Working Days Existing Process
8. Issuance of Acknowledgement for the NOTICE TO ENGAGE in the Downstream Oil Industry - LUBES PRODUCTS 7 Working Days 7 Working Days Existing Process
9. Issuance of Acknowledgement to Notice of Import for Sale Or Own Use - Liquid Petroleum Products 7 Working Days 7 Working Days Existing Process
10. Issuance of Acknowledgement for the NOTICE TO IMPORT FOR SALE OR OWN USE - LUBES PRODUCTS 7 Working Days 7 Working Days Existing Process
11. Issuance of Acknowledgement to Notice to Sale or Purchase Imported Bioethanol 7 Working Days 7 Working Days Existing Process
12. Issuance of Certification for Hauler 20 Working Days 20 Working Days Existing Process
13. Issuance of Permit for Temporary Emergency Retail Outlet (TERO) 7 Working Days 7 Working Days Existing Process
14. Issuance of Acknowledgement to Notice to Import Bioethanol 7 Working Days 7 Working Days Existing Process
15. Issuance to Notice to Import for Sample Testing – Liquid Petroleum Products and Bioethanol 7 Working Days 7 Working Days Existing Process
16. Issuance of Certificate of Fuel Additive Registration 7 Working Days 7 Working Days Existing Process
17. Issuance of Certificate of Compliance (COC) for Liquid Fuels Retail Outlet (LF ROs) 8 Working Days 8 Working Days Existing Process
18. Issuance of DOE Endorsement for BOI Registration of the Downstream Oil Industry under Republic Act 8479 20 Working Days 20 Working Days Existing Process
19. Issuance of DOE Endorsement for BOI Registration of the Downstream Oil Industry under Republic Act 8479 (for submitted applications via email) 20 Working Days 20 Working Days Existing Process
20. Issuance of DOE Endorsement for BOI Incentives Availment of the Downstream Oil Industry under Republic Act 8479 20 Working Days 20 Working Days Existing Process
21. Issuance of Certificate of Non-Coverage (CNC) for Storage and Dispensing Liquid Fuels for Own-Use Operation 20 Working Days 20 Working Days Existing Process
22. Issuance of NOTICE TO PROCEED (NTP) for Downstream Natural Gas Facilities 20 Working Days 20 Working Days Existing Process
23. Issuance of Certificate of Compliance (COC) for Marine Retail Outlet (MROs) 20 Working Days 20 Working Days Existing Process
24. Issuance of PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT, EXPAND, REHABILITATE AND MODIFY (PCERM) for Downstream Natural Gas Facilities 20 Working Days 20 Working Days Existing Process
25. Issuance of PERMIT TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN (POM) for Downstream Natural Gas Facilities 20 Working Days 20 Working Days Existing Process
26. Issuance of Certificate of Compliance (COC) for Technology Solution Retail Outlet (TSROs) 20 Working Days 20 Working Days Existing Process
27. Issuance of ASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER OF INTEREST OF OPERATORSHIP of Downstream Natural Gas Facilities   20 Working Days New Process
28. Application for Registration - Prior to Commencement of LPG Facility Construction (Importers, Refiners, Bulk Distributor, and Terminal and/or Depot OwnerLessor)   20 Working Days New Process
29. Application for Registration - Prior to Commencement of LPG Facility Construction (Refiller and Centralized LPG Piping System OwnerOperator)   20 Working Days New Process
30. Application for Registration by a Trademark Owner or Marketer – Trademark or Tradename   20 Working Days New Process
31. Application for Registration by a Refiller – Authority to Fill Third-Party Trademark or Tradename   20 Working Days New Process
32. Application for Registration by a Dealer or Retailer – Authority to Sell a Trademark or tradename (via LPG-filled pressure vessel)   20 Working Days New Process
33. Application for Registration by a Trademark Owner or Marketer – LPG Seal   20 Working Days New Process
34. Application for Registration – Bulk Consumer   20 Working Days New Process
35. Application for Additional Registration – Authorized Transport Motor Vehicles and Marine Vessels   20 Working Days New Process
36. Issuance of License to Operate (LTO) for Refiner, Importer, Bulk Distributor, and Terminal and/or Depot Owner Lessor   20 Working Days New Process
37. Issuance of License to Operate (LTO) for Independent Bulk LPG Hauler   20 Working Days New Process
38. Issuance of License to Operate (LTO) for Independent Hauler of LPG in Cylinder and/or Cartridge   20 Working Days New Process
39. Issuance of License to Operate (LTO) for Trademark Owner or Marketer   20 Working Days New Process
40. Issuance of License to Operate (LTO) for LPG Refiller   20 Working Days New Process
41. Issuance of License to Operate (LTO) for LPG Dealer   20 Working Days New Process
42. Issuance of License to Operate (LTO) for LPG Retailer   20 Working Days New Process
43. Issuance of License to Operate (LTO) for Auto-LPG Dispensing Station OwnerOperator   20 Working Days New Process
44. Issuance of License to Operate (LTO) for Centralized LPG Piping System OwnerOperator   20 Working Days New Process
1. Request from other Agencies, Bureaus and Services for Oil Industry Data / Statistics / Information 7 Working Days 7 Working Days Existing Process
1. Issuance of Acknowledgement of Notice to Denature Imported Bioethanol 7 Working Days   Deleted due to DC2021-09-0029
2. Endorsement to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 7 Working Days   SEC no longer requires endorsement from DOE
3. Securing Standards Compliance Certificate (SCC) for Dealer 20 Working Days   Deleted due to LPG Bill
4. Securing Standards Compliance Certificate (SCC) for Hauler 20 Working Days   Deleted due to LPG Bill
5. Securing Standards Compliance Certificate (SCC) for Marketer 20 Working Days   Deleted due to LPG Bill
6. Securing Standards Compliance Certificate (SCC) for Refiller 20 Working Days   Deleted due to LPG Bill
7. Securing Standards Compliance Certificate (SCC) for Retailer 20 Working Days   Deleted due to LPG Bill
8. Issuance of Standards Compliance Certificate (SCC) for Refiner / Importer / Import Terminal / Bulk Supplier / Bulk Plant 20 Working Days   Deleted due to LPG Bill
9.  Issuance of Standards Compliance Certificate (SCC) for Auto-LPG Dispensing Station 20 Working Days   Deleted due to LPG Bill