Result of 2nd Open and Competitive Selection Process (OCSP 2)

Pursuant to Department Order No. 2014-11-0020 entitled "Adopting Guidelines Governing Open and Competitive Selection Process in the Award of Renewable Energy Service Contract, and For Other Purposes" and to the Guidelines Governing the OCSP 2.

Winning bid proposals:





Area 4 Binongan-Tineg

First Gen Mindanao Hydropower Corporation

Area 7 Ilog

Trans-Asia Oil & Energy Development Corporation

Area 12 Tubig

Vivant Energy Corp.

Area 13 Buhid

Vivant Energy Corp.

Area 14 Bugtong

Clean N Energy Solutions Inc.

Area 15 Cateel

First Gen Mindanao Hydropower Corporation

Area 16 Cagayan 1N

First Gen Mindanao Hydropower Corporation

Area 17 Agus III

Marano Energy Corporation


Area 2 Southern Leyte

Repower Energy Development Corporation

Area 3 Amacan

Energy Development Corporation

Likewise, the DOE declares a failure of OCSP 2 for the following areas:

Non-Receipt of bid proposals:


Area 5 Sinambalan 1

Area 6 Pagbalan 1

Area 11 Hilabangan 3


Area 1 Acupan-Itogon

Area 3 Balut Island

Failure of all submitted bids to qualify:


Area 1 Madongan 1

Area 2 Madongan 2

Area 3 Solsona

Area 8 Binalbagan 1

Area 9 Binalbagan 2

Area 10 Binulog

In view of this, we hereby  declare the above mentioned areas open for direct negotiation subject to the compliance of regulatory requirements under section 10 of DC2009-07-0011.

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