In line with the objectives of the Clean Air Act of 1999 and the continuing policies and programs of the Department in updating fuel quality specification in terms of current requirements of the industry, its users and manufacturers, the Department of Energy's Technical Committee on petroleum products and additives (DOE/TCPPA) developed, reviewed and revised the following standards:
- DPNS/DOE QS 005:2016- liquefied petroleum Gases (LPG)Specification
- This proposed revision of PNS/DOE QS 005:2005 is made to improve the requirement on the use of odorant for health and safety consideration as well as to update the test methods.
- DPNS/DOE QS 005-A:2016 — Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG) as motor fuel — Specification
- This standard is also a revision of PNS/DOE QS 0OS:2005 and is made to separate the PNS for LPG used as motor fuel from the PNS of other known LPG uses in support of the Philippine Government's effort to promote the utilization of alternative and clean fuel technology. Similarly, it proposes improvement in the requirement on the use of odorant for health and safety consideration as well as to update the test methods
Enclosed‘ is a copy of the draft standards for your comments. It is suggested that any proposed change to the specifications be supported with explanations/ justifications.
We appreciate receiving your comments/positions thru mail or email at [email protected] on or before June 27, 2016 for it to be considered in the finalization of the standard. Non- receipt of your comments on the specified date shall be construed as an approval of the draft standards.
Thank you for your usual cooperation.
Continue reading PDNS/DOE QS 005:2016 - Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG) Specification