Having reviewed the Philippine National Standards (PNS) (PNS/DOE FS 3:2006 ICS 75.200) on Auto-LPG for Dispensing Station pursuant to the BPS directives which states that "All approved Philippine Standards will be determined whether it should be reconfirmed, amended/revised or withdrawn at least every 5 years or as the need arises due to market requests, technical and other acceptable reasons", the Technical Committee on Petroleum Processes and Facilities (TCPPF) chaired by Oil Industry Management Bureau is opening the current PNS for suggested revision or additional provisions that may be incorporated into an updated PNS.
Part of the administrative procedure of the PNS is the circulation of existing standard to our stakeholders for their comments.
All concerned parties are invited to submit a soft copy of their comments to Ms. Rhodora C. Pascual at [email protected]. We appreciate receiving your comments/positions on or before 15th April 2014.