Call for Comments on the Draft Department Circular “Revised Omnibus Guidelines Governing the Award and Administration of Renewable Energy Contracts and the Registration of Renewable Energy Developers” for Solar Energy
Post date: Thursday, 14 September 2023 08:42AM


The Department of Energy is hereby requesting all interested parties to submit their comments and inputs on the draft Department Circular titled, “Revised Omnibus Guidelines Governing the Award and Administration of Renewable Energy Contracts and the Registration of Renewable Energy Developers”. The said draft DC contains the chapter specific to solar energy. 
Kindly submit your comments and/or inputs to [email protected] on or before 04 October 2023. Email Subject: Comments to the DC for Revised Omnibus Guidelines for Solar.
  1. Draft DC- “Revised Omnibus Guidelines Governing the Award and Administration of Renewable Energy Contracts and the Registration of Renewable Energy Developers” for Solar Energy as of 12 September 2023.
  2. Template for Comments  

Invitation for Virtual Public Consultation 

The Department of Energy is pleased to announce the conduct of a virtual Public Consultation on the draft Department Circular titled, “Revised Omnibus Guidelines Governing the Award and Administration of Renewable Energy Contracts and the Registration of Renewable Energy Developers” for Solar Energy on 20 September 2023/9:30 am via MS Teams.

Registration link:

MS Teams meeting link:

In case you have clarifications, please feel free to contact Mr. Ferdinand B. Binondo, Solar Division Chief at 8479-2900 local 310.

Invitation for Public Consultation (PubCon) for the Proposed Department Circulars (DCs)
Post date: Monday, 11 September 2023 09:41AM
This refers to the Department of Energy's (DOE's) initiative and policy direction to prepare and implement the Department Circulars entitled "Guidelines on the Awarding of Service Contracts for the Exploration, Development, and Utilization of Native Hydrogen" and "Guidelines on the Awarding of Petroleum Service Contracts for Development and Production"
In view thereof, we wish to invite you or your authorized representative(s) to a public consultation on 13 September 2023, 1:00PM at the DOE-AVR to discuss comments and recommendations for the improvement of the proposed DCs. Please send your comments / recommendations and confirm your attendance through the email: [email protected]
For those who wish to attend virtually, kindly use the following Microsoft Teams log-in information:
  • Meeting ID: 489 588 355 369
  • Passcode: xnrgrA
Anticipating your usual support and participation in this event. Thank you.
Attachment (Click to view/download PD file):
Call for Comments on the Draft Department Circular “Revised Omnibus Guidelines Governing the Award and Administration of Renewable Energy Contracts and the Registration of Renewable Energy Developers” for Geothermal Energy
Post date: Sunday, 10 September 2023 11:17AM


The Department of Energy is hereby requesting all interested parties to submit their comments and inputs on the draft Department Circular titled, “Revised Omnibus Guidelines Governing the Award and Administration of Renewable Energy Contracts and the Registration of Renewable Energy Developers”. The said draft DC contains the chapter specific to geothermal energy. Kindly submit your comments and/or inputs to [email protected] on or before 28 September 2023. Email Subject: Comments to the DC for Revised Omnibus Guidelines for Geothermal. Attachments (Click to view/download file):

  1. Draft DC- “Revised Omnibus Guidelines Governing the Award and Administration of Renewable Energy Contracts and the Registration of Renewable Energy Developers” for Geothermal Energy as of 07 September 2023.
  2. Template for Comments
  3. Annexes:

Invitation for Virtual Public Consultation

The Department of Energy is pleased to announce the conduct of a virtual Public Consultation on the draft Department Circular titled, “Revised Omnibus Guidelines Governing the Award and Administration of Renewable Energy Contracts and the Registration of Renewable Energy Developers” for Geothermal Energy on 14 September 2023/9:00 am via MS Teams.

Registration link:

MS Teams meeting link:

In case you have clarifications, please feel free to contact Mr. Rainier M. Halcon, OIC-GEMD at 8840-2286 or via email at [email protected]

Attachment (Click to view/download PD file):
