Electric Vehicle Advisory regarding updated list of DOE-Recognized EVs- Issue No. 19
Post date: Tuesday, 19 November 2024 01:21PM

EV Advisory:

Curious about the electric vehicle prices and battery capacities in the Philippines?

With a variety of electric vehicle (EV) brands and models entering the Philippine market, finding an EV is more convenient. Check out the latest DOE recognized EV models below pursuant to the Electric Vehicle Industry Development Act (EVIDA). These electric vehicles are for sale in the Philippines. If you are not sure where to charge your EV, you can easily search for charging stations near you through the EV Industry Portal.



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Electric Vehicle (EV) Advisory Regarding the Accredited Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS) Providers - Issue No. 19
Post date: Tuesday, 19 November 2024 01:04PM

EV Advisory:

The Department of Energy is committed to help our Electric Vehicle Industry to develop and grow bigger. As of 14 November 2024, there are a total of one hundred four (104) DOE Accredited EVCS Providers that provides more accessible charging station solutions that are safe and reliable for your electric vehicle.

DOE Accredited EVCS Providers offers the electric vehicle charging station (EVCS) solutions in the Philippines that are compliant with the requirements and guidelines of the DOE. These EVCS Providers are classified according on its scope of operation namely:

  1. EVCS Provider – Operator – collects fees from EV users in exchange for the use of facilities of EVCS to charge EVs;
  2. EVCS Provider – Service – collects fees on the construction, installation, data and payment management and maintenance of EVCS; and
  3. EVCS Provider – Supplier – sells EVCS, or any of its parts/components for a fee.

Contact details and further information about the DOE accredited EVCS Providers can be accessed through https://evindustry.ph/accredited-providers.

Pursuant to the DOE Department Circular No. DC2023-05-0011 – EVCS Providers Accreditation and EVCS Registration Guidelines, we have listed DOE Accredited EVCS Providers as of 14 November 2024 is available below.

For detailed information on the EV transition, you can visit, https://www.evindustry.ph/ - the official Philippine EV Industry portal.  If you are looking for available electric vehicles in the Philippines, you can check DOE recognized EVs.


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Call for Comments on the Draft Implementing Guidelines (IG) on the Enhanced Compliance of Designated Establishments (DE) with the Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EEC) Act through the DE Online Submission (DEOS) Portal
Post date: Friday, 15 November 2024 03:58PM



The Department of Energy (DOE), through the Energy Utilization Management Bureau, solicits the comments and inputs on the following:

  1. Draft IG on the “Implementing Guidelines on the Enhanced Compliance of Designated Establishments with the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act through the DE Online Submission Portal”


Downloadable Materials:

  1. The soft copy of the draft IG and the call for comments form can be accessed through the link: https://bit.ly/DraftIGonDECompliance.

All interested individuals, and stakeholders may send their comments, inputs, and suggestions following the call for comments form at https://bit.ly/SubmitCommentsDraftIGonDE on or before 22 November 2024.

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