Call for Comments on the Draft Philippine Energy Plan (PEP) 2018-2040

The DOE-Energy Policy and Planning Bureau is hereby requesting the energy stakeholders to submit their comments/inputs on the Draft PEP 2018-2040.

You may send your comments and/or suggested revisions on the PEP and other queries to the Planning Division of the Energy Policy and Planning Bureau thru email at on or before 28 August 2020.





Attachment (Click to view/download PDF file for each chapter)

Executive Summary
Chapter I - Energy Situationer
Chapter II - Energy Supply and Demand Outlook
Chapter III - Conventional Fuels
Chapter IV - Downstream Industry
Chapter V - Renewable Energy
Chapter VI - Power Development
Chapter VII - Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Chapter VIII - Alternative Fuels and Energy Technology
Chapter IX - Nuclear Energy Program
Chapter X - Environmental Management
Chapter XI - Embracing a Culture of Resiliency in the Energy Sector
Chapter XII - Promoting the Philippine Agenda to International Community