Call for Comments on the Draft Department Circular “Prescribing Further Policies & Amending Department Circular No. DC2020-10-0022 “Prescribing the Policies to Enhance the Net-Metering Program for Renewable Energy Systems” for the Enhancements..


The Department of Energy is hereby requesting all interested parties to submit their comments and inputs on the draft Department Circular titled, “Prescribing Further Policies and Amending Department Circular No. DC2020-10-0022, entitled “Prescribing the Policies to Enhance the Net-Metering Program for Renewable Energy Systems” for the Enhancements of the Net-Metering Program”. 

Kindly submit your comments and/or inputs to and on or before 28 December 2023. Email Subject: Comments on the DC for Enhancement of Net-Metering Program.

Attachments (Click to view/download file): 

1. Draft DC - “Prescribing Further Policies and Amending Department Circular No. DC2020-10-0022, entitled “Prescribing the Policies to Enhance the Net-Metering Program for Renewable Energy Systems” for the Enhancements of the Net-Metering Program” 

2. Template for Comments