Advisory : PCECP Applications for Nominated Areas During Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ)

There are 4 nominations under PCECP which are slightly affected by the ECQ and the extended ECQ throughout Luzon. These are Nominations 5, 6, 7 and 8.

For Nominated Area 5, it was published last 31 January and its 60-day period to challenge ended last 31 March with no challenger. Only the opening of the nomination was suspended.

For nominated areas 6, 7 & 8, the nominations were published last 06 March (Nominated Area 6) and 09 March (Nominated 7 and 8) respectively. The period to challenge for these 3 nominations were not suspended, considering that DOE's processing of documents and basic services are not interrupted by the ECQ.  However, opening of the nomination/challenge will be made after the lifting of ECQ, since this part of the process requires to be publicly made.

All other nominations and applications not mentioned above are not in any way affected by the ECQ and Extended ECQ.

Please be guided accordingly.

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